You can now set up an automatic screenshot generator to take and compress screenshots, with the
help of a configuration file known as **screenshot generator**.
### Use the tool
To run the tool on an existing screenshot generator, take the following steps:
1. Set up the [GitLab Development Kit (GDK)](
1. Navigate to the subdirectory with your cloned GitLab repository, typically `gdk/gitlab`.
1. Make sure that your GDK database is fully migrated: `bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development`.
1. Install pngquant, see the tool website for more info: [`pngquant`](
1. Run `scripts/docs_screenshots.rb spec/docs_screenshots/<name_of_screenshot_generator>.rb <milestone-version>`.
1. Identify the location of the screenshots, based on the `gitlab/doc` location defined by the `it` parameter in your script.
1. Commit the newly created screenshots.
### Extending the tool
To add an additional **screenshot generator**, take the following steps:
- Locate the `spec/docs_screenshots` directory.
- Add a new file with a `_docs.rb` extension.
- Be sure to include the following bits in the file:
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe '<WhatIamtakingscreenshotsof>', :js do
include DocsScreenshotHelpers # Helper that enables the screenshots taking mechanism
before do
page.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(1366, 1024) # length and width of the page
- In addition, every `it` block must include the path where the screenshot is saved
it 'user/packages/container_registry/img/project_image_repositories_list'
#### Full page screenshots
To take a full page screenshot simply `visit the page` and perform any expectation on real content (to have capybara wait till the page is ready and not take a white screenshot).
#### Element screenshot
To have the screenshot focuses few more steps are needed:
- **find the area**: `screenshot_area = find('#js-registry-policies')`
- **scroll the area in focus**: `scroll_to screenshot_area`
- **wait for the content**: `expect(screenshot_area).to have_content 'Expiration interval'`
- **set the crop area**: `set_crop_data(screenshot_area, 20)`
In particular `set_crop_data` accepts as arguments: a `DOM` element and a padding, the padding will be added around the element enlarging the screenshot area.
#### Live example
Please use `spec/docs_screenshots/container_registry_docs.rb` as a guide and as an example to create your own scripts.