-[Container Registry](../user/packages/container_registry/index.md)(`$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` is actually `$CI_JOB_TOKEN`, but this may change in the future)
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ you do this, you can push your NPM package to your project using `npm publish`,
If you are using Maven, this involves updating your `pom.xml` file with distribution sections, including the
appropriate URL for your project, as described in the [GitLab Maven Repository documentation](../maven_repository/index.md#project-level-maven-endpoint).
Then, you need to add a `settings.xml` file and [include your access token](../maven_repository/index.md#authenticate-with-a-personal-access-token).
Now you can [deploy Maven packages](../maven_repository/index.md#uploading-packages) to your project.
Then, you need to add a `settings.xml` file and [include your access token](../maven_repository/index.md#authenticate-with-a-personal-access-token-in-maven).
Now you can [deploy Maven packages](../maven_repository/index.md#publish-a-package) to your project.