Commit ba0bd92b authored by Alishan Ladhani's avatar Alishan Ladhani

Replace some fa-trash icons with GitLab SVG remove icon

parent aad8b990
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
= s_('Profiles|Created %{time_ago}'.html_safe) % { time_ago:time_ago_with_tooltip(key.created_at)}
= link_to profile_gpg_key_path(key), data: { confirm: _('Are you sure? Removing this GPG key does not affect already signed commits.') }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger gl-ml-3" do _('Remove')
= icon('trash')
= sprite_icon('remove')
= link_to revoke_profile_gpg_key_path(key), data: { confirm: _('Are you sure? All commits that were signed with this GPG key will be unverified.') }, method: :put, class: "btn btn-danger gl-ml-3" do _('Revoke')
= _('Revoke')
......@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
= link_to edit_project_tag_release_path(@project,, class: 'btn btn-edit has-tooltip', title: s_('TagsPage|Edit release notes'), data: { container: "body" } do
= sprite_icon("pencil")
= link_to project_tag_path(@project,, class: "btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip gl-ml-3 #{protected_tag?(@project, tag) ? 'disabled' : ''}", title: s_('TagsPage|Delete tag'), method: :delete, data: { confirm: s_('TagsPage|Deleting the %{tag_name} tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?') % { tag_name: }, container: 'body' }, remote: true do
= icon("trash-o")
= sprite_icon("remove")
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
= link_to(destroy_all_sherlock_transactions_path,
class: 'btn btn-danger',
method: :delete) do
= sprite_icon('remove')
= t('sherlock.delete_all_transactions')
.oneline= t('sherlock.introduction')
title: Replace some fa-trash icons with GitLab SVG remove icon
merge_request: 39991
type: other
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