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Commit bb1c4569 authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read

Merge branch 'docs-fe-provide-inject' into 'master'

Add documentation for recommending dependency injection

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!67118
parents d59437fc 40a7291f
......@@ -66,12 +66,68 @@ To do that, you can use the `data` attributes in the HTML element and query them
You should only do this while initializing the application, because the mounted element is replaced
with a Vue-generated DOM.
The advantage of providing data from the DOM to the Vue instance through `props` in the `render`
function instead of querying the DOM inside the main Vue component is avoiding the need to create a
fixture or an HTML element in the unit test, which makes the tests easier.
The advantage of providing data from the DOM to the Vue instance through `props` or
`provide` in the `render` function, instead of querying the DOM inside the main Vue
component, is that you avoid the need to create a fixture or an HTML element in the unit test.
See the following example. Also, please refer to our [Vue style guide](style/ for
additional information on why we explicitly declare the data being passed into the Vue app;
##### provide/inject
Vue supports dependency injection through [provide/inject](
Values passed to the component through `provide` can be accessed in the component the `inject` configuration.
In the following example of a Vue app initialization, a value from HAML is passed to the component
through the `provide` configuration:
#js-vue-app{ data: { endpoint: 'foo' }}
// index.js
const el = document.getElementById('js-vue-app');
if (!el) return false;
const { endpoint } = el.dataset;
return new Vue({
render(createElement) {
return createElement('my-component', {
provide: {
The component, or any of its child components, can access the property through `inject` as:
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
inject: ['endpoint'],
Using dependency injection to provide values from HAML is ideal when:
- The injected value doesn't need an explicit validation against its data type or contents.
- The value doesn't need to be reactive.
- There are multiple components in the hierarchy that need access to this value where
prop-drilling becomes an inconvenience. Prop-drilling when the same prop is passed
through all components in the hierarchy until the component that is genuinely using it.
##### props
If the value from HAML doesn't fit the criteria of dependency injection, use `props`.
See the following example.
// haml
......@@ -99,6 +155,9 @@ return new Vue({
> When adding an `id` attribute to mount a Vue application, please make sure this `id` is unique
across the codebase.
For more information on why we explicitly declare the data being passed into the Vue app,
refer to our [Vue style guide](style/
#### Providing Rails form fields to Vue applications
When composing a form with Rails, the `name`, `id`, and `value` attributes of form inputs are generated
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