> Support for `.gitlab.ci.yml` validation [introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/218472) in GitLab 13.2.
As expected from an IDE, syntax highlighting for many languages within
the Web IDE will make your direct editing even easier.
@@ -35,6 +37,13 @@ The Web IDE currently provides:
- IntelliSense and validation support (displaying errors and warnings, providing
smart completions, formatting, and outlining) for some languages. For example:
TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JSON, and HTML.
- Validation support for certain JSON and YAML files using schemas based on the
[JSON Schema Store](https://www.schemastore.org/json/). This feature
is only supported for the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
NOTE: **Note:** Validation support based on schemas is hidden behind
the feature flag `:schema_linting` on self-managed installations. To enable the
feature, you can [turn on the feature flag in Rails console](../../../administration/feature_flags.md#how-to-enable-and-disable-features-behind-flags).
Because the Web IDE is based on the [Monaco Editor](https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/),
you can find a more complete list of supported languages in the