Commit bcee8b5f authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read

Edit pipeline subscriptions UI text

parent 8e886c89
......@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@
= _("Pipeline subscriptions"){ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? _('Collapse') : _('Expand')
= _("Set up pipeline subscriptions for this project.")
- default_branch_docs = link_to(_("default branch"), help_page_path('user/project/repository/branches/', anchor: 'default-branch'))
= _("A subscription will trigger a new pipeline on the default branch of this project when a pipeline successfully completes for a new tag on the %{default_branch_docs} of the subscribed project.").html_safe % { default_branch_docs: default_branch_docs }
= _("Pipeline subscriptions trigger a new pipeline on the default branch of this project when a pipeline successfully completes for a new tag on the %{default_branch_docs} of the subscribed project.").html_safe % { default_branch_docs: default_branch_docs }
= _("There is a limit of %{ci_project_subscriptions_limit} subscriptions from or to a project.").html_safe % { ci_project_subscriptions_limit: @project.actual_limits.ci_project_subscriptions }
= _("A limit of %{ci_project_subscriptions_limit} subscriptions to or from a project applies.").html_safe % { ci_project_subscriptions_limit: @project.actual_limits.ci_project_subscriptions }
= render 'projects/settings/subscriptions/index'
title: Edit pipeline subscriptions UI text
merge_request: 51177
type: other
......@@ -1265,6 +1265,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A group represents your organization in GitLab. Groups allow you to manage users and collaborate across multiple projects."
msgstr ""
msgid "A limit of %{ci_project_subscriptions_limit} subscriptions to or from a project applies."
msgstr ""
msgid "A maximum of %{count} participants can be added"
msgstr ""
......@@ -1337,9 +1340,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A string appended to the project path to form the Service Desk email address."
msgstr ""
msgid "A subscription will trigger a new pipeline on the default branch of this project when a pipeline successfully completes for a new tag on the %{default_branch_docs} of the subscribed project."
msgstr ""
msgid "A user can only participate in a rotation once"
msgstr ""
......@@ -20497,6 +20497,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline subscriptions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline subscriptions trigger a new pipeline on the default branch of this project when a pipeline successfully completes for a new tag on the %{default_branch_docs} of the subscribed project."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline triggers"
msgstr ""
......@@ -25570,9 +25573,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set up new password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up pipeline subscriptions for this project."
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up shared runner availability"
msgstr ""
......@@ -28221,9 +28221,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There are running deployments on the environment. Please retry later."
msgstr ""
msgid "There is a limit of %{ci_project_subscriptions_limit} subscriptions from or to a project."
msgstr ""
msgid "There is already a To-Do for this design."
msgstr ""
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