Commit bf9c14de authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents e0118070 cf26a56b
......@@ -881,8 +881,6 @@ Graphql/Descriptions:
- 'app/graphql/types/tree/tree_type.rb'
- 'app/graphql/types/user_status_type.rb'
- 'app/graphql/types/user_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/resolvers/issues_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/resolvers/namespace_projects_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/board_list_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/board_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/boards/board_issue_input_base_type.rb'
......@@ -894,23 +892,6 @@ Graphql/Descriptions:
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/namespace_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/project_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/ee/types/query_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/board_groupings/epics_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/boards/epic_boards_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/ci/code_coverage_activities_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/clusters/agents_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/dast_site_profile_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/dast_site_validation_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/epics_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/geo/registries_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/requirements_management/requirements_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/requirements_management/test_reports_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/timelog_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerabilities/issue_links_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerabilities_count_per_day_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerabilities_grade_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerabilities_history_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerabilities_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/vulnerability_severities_count_resolver.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/types/admin/analytics/devops_adoption/segment_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/types/admin/analytics/devops_adoption/snapshot_type.rb'
- 'ee/app/graphql/types/boards/board_epic_type.rb'
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ module ApplicationSettingImplementation
login_recaptcha_protection_enabled: false,
max_artifacts_size: Settings.artifacts['max_size'],
max_attachment_size: Settings.gitlab['max_attachment_size'],
max_import_size: 50,
max_import_size: 0,
minimum_password_length: DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH,
mirror_available: true,
notify_on_unknown_sign_in: true,
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Packages
module Debian
module Architecture
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
belongs_to :distribution, class_name: "Packages::Debian::#{container_type.capitalize}Distribution", inverse_of: :architectures
validates :distribution,
presence: true
validates :name,
presence: true,
length: { maximum: 255 },
uniqueness: { scope: %i[distribution_id] },
format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.debian_architecture_regex }
scope :with_distribution, ->(distribution) { where(distribution: distribution) }
scope :with_name, ->(name) { where(name: name) }
......@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ module Packages
belongs_to container_type
belongs_to :creator, class_name: 'User'
has_many :architectures,
class_name: "Packages::Debian::#{container_type.capitalize}Architecture",
foreign_key: :distribution_id,
inverse_of: :distribution
validates :codename,
presence: true,
uniqueness: { scope: [container_foreign_key] },
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture < ApplicationRecord
def self.container_type
include Packages::Debian::Architecture
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Packages::Debian::ProjectArchitecture < ApplicationRecord
def self.container_type
include Packages::Debian::Architecture
title: Debian Group and Project Distribution Architectures
merge_request: 51265
author: Mathieu Parent
type: added
title: "Fix script typo in secret detection template causing the detection to be skipped"
merge_request: 51544
author: Vicken Simonian @vicken.papaya
type: fixed
title: Update default value of applications_settings.max_import_size to 0
merge_request: 51229
type: other
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CreatePackagesDebianProjectArchitectures < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
INDEX_NAME = 'idx_pkgs_deb_proj_architectures_on_distribution_id'
UNIQUE_NAME = 'uniq_pkgs_deb_proj_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name'
def up
with_lock_retries do
unless table_exists?(:packages_debian_project_architectures)
create_table :packages_debian_project_architectures do |t|
t.references :distribution,
foreign_key: { to_table: :packages_debian_project_distributions, on_delete: :cascade },
null: false,
index: { name: INDEX_NAME }
t.text :name, null: false
t.index %w(distribution_id name),
unique: true,
using: :btree
add_text_limit :packages_debian_project_architectures, :name, 255
def down
drop_table :packages_debian_project_architectures
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CreatePackagesDebianGroupArchitectures < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
INDEX_NAME = 'idx_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id'
UNIQUE_NAME = 'uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name'
def up
with_lock_retries do
unless table_exists?(:packages_debian_group_architectures)
create_table :packages_debian_group_architectures do |t|
t.references :distribution,
foreign_key: { to_table: :packages_debian_group_distributions, on_delete: :cascade },
null: false,
index: { name: INDEX_NAME }
t.text :name, null: false
t.index %w(distribution_id name),
unique: true,
using: :btree
add_text_limit :packages_debian_group_architectures, :name, 255
def down
drop_table :packages_debian_group_architectures
# frozen_string_literal: true
class UpdateMaxImportSizeDefault < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
DOWNTIME = false
def change
change_column_default(:application_settings, :max_import_size, from: 50, to: 0)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9340,7 +9340,7 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
spam_check_endpoint_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
elasticsearch_pause_indexing boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
repository_storages_weighted jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb NOT NULL,
max_import_size integer DEFAULT 50 NOT NULL,
max_import_size integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
enforce_pat_expiration boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
compliance_frameworks smallint[] DEFAULT '{}'::smallint[] NOT NULL,
notify_on_unknown_sign_in boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
......@@ -14766,6 +14766,24 @@ CREATE TABLE packages_debian_file_metadata (
CONSTRAINT check_e6e1fffcca CHECK ((char_length(architecture) <= 255))
CREATE TABLE packages_debian_group_architectures (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
distribution_id bigint NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT check_ddb220164a CHECK ((char_length(name) <= 255))
CREATE SEQUENCE packages_debian_group_architectures_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE packages_debian_group_architectures_id_seq OWNED BY;
CREATE TABLE packages_debian_group_distributions (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
......@@ -14807,6 +14825,24 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE packages_debian_group_distributions_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE packages_debian_group_distributions_id_seq OWNED BY;
CREATE TABLE packages_debian_project_architectures (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
distribution_id bigint NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT check_9c2e1c99d8 CHECK ((char_length(name) <= 255))
CREATE SEQUENCE packages_debian_project_architectures_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE packages_debian_project_architectures_id_seq OWNED BY;
CREATE TABLE packages_debian_project_distributions (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
......@@ -18787,8 +18823,12 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_conan_file_metadata ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextva
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_conan_metadata ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_conan_metadata_id_seq'::regclass);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_group_architectures ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_debian_group_architectures_id_seq'::regclass);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_group_distributions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_debian_group_distributions_id_seq'::regclass);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_project_architectures ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_debian_project_architectures_id_seq'::regclass);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_project_distributions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_debian_project_distributions_id_seq'::regclass);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_dependencies ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('packages_dependencies_id_seq'::regclass);
......@@ -20145,9 +20185,15 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_conan_metadata
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_file_metadata
ADD CONSTRAINT packages_debian_file_metadata_pkey PRIMARY KEY (package_file_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_group_architectures
ADD CONSTRAINT packages_debian_group_architectures_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_group_distributions
ADD CONSTRAINT packages_debian_group_distributions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_project_architectures
ADD CONSTRAINT packages_debian_project_architectures_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_project_distributions
ADD CONSTRAINT packages_debian_project_distributions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
......@@ -20867,6 +20913,10 @@ CREATE INDEX idx_packages_build_infos_on_package_id ON packages_build_infos USIN
CREATE INDEX idx_packages_packages_on_project_id_name_version_package_type ON packages_packages USING btree (project_id, name, version, package_type);
CREATE INDEX idx_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id ON packages_debian_group_architectures USING btree (distribution_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_pkgs_deb_proj_architectures_on_distribution_id ON packages_debian_project_architectures USING btree (distribution_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_pkgs_dep_links_on_pkg_id_dependency_id_dependency_type ON packages_dependency_links USING btree (package_id, dependency_id, dependency_type);
CREATE INDEX idx_proj_feat_usg_on_jira_dvcs_cloud_last_sync_at_and_proj_id ON project_feature_usages USING btree (jira_dvcs_cloud_last_sync_at, project_id) WHERE (jira_dvcs_cloud_last_sync_at IS NOT NULL);
......@@ -23303,6 +23353,10 @@ CREATE INDEX tmp_index_oauth_applications_on_id_where_trusted ON oauth_applicati
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_on_vulnerabilities_non_dismissed ON vulnerabilities USING btree (id) WHERE (state <> 2);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_group_architectures USING btree (distribution_id, name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_proj_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_project_architectures USING btree (distribution_id, name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_debian_group_distributions_group_id_and_codename ON packages_debian_group_distributions USING btree (group_id, codename);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_debian_group_distributions_group_id_and_suite ON packages_debian_group_distributions USING btree (group_id, suite);
......@@ -24775,6 +24829,9 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_user_mentions
ALTER TABLE ONLY merge_request_assignees
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_579d375628 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_project_architectures
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_5808663adf FOREIGN KEY (distribution_id) REFERENCES packages_debian_project_distributions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY clusters_applications_cilium
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_59dc12eea6 FOREIGN KEY (cluster_id) REFERENCES clusters(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
......@@ -25561,6 +25618,9 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY experiment_subjects
ALTER TABLE ONLY ci_daily_build_group_report_results
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_ee072d13b3 FOREIGN KEY (last_pipeline_id) REFERENCES ci_pipelines(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY packages_debian_group_architectures
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_ef667d1b03 FOREIGN KEY (distribution_id) REFERENCES packages_debian_group_distributions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY label_priorities
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_ef916d14fa FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --form "name=i
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is 50MB.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is `0` (unlimited).
As an administrator, you can modify the maximum import file size. To do so, use the `max_import_size` option in the [Application settings API]( or the [Admin UI](../user/admin_area/settings/
## Important notes
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@, headers=headers, data=data, files=files)
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is 50MB.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is `0` (unlimited)..
As an administrator, you can modify the maximum import file size. To do so, use the `max_import_size` option in the [Application settings API]( or the [Admin UI](../user/admin_area/settings/
## Import status
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
| `maintenance_mode` | boolean | no | **(PREMIUM)** When instance is in maintenance mode, non-admin users can sign in with read-only access and make read-only API requests |
| `max_artifacts_size` | integer | no | Maximum artifacts size in MB |
| `max_attachment_size` | integer | no | Limit attachment size in MB |
| `max_import_size` | integer | no | Maximum import size in MB. 0 for unlimited. Default = 50 |
| `max_import_size` | integer | no | Maximum import size in MB. 0 for unlimited. Default = 0 (unlimited) |
| `max_pages_size` | integer | no | Maximum size of pages repositories in MB |
| `max_personal_access_token_lifetime` | integer | no | **(ULTIMATE ONLY)** Maximum allowable lifetime for personal access tokens in days |
| `metrics_method_call_threshold` | integer | no | A method call is only tracked when it takes longer than the given amount of milliseconds. |
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ or over the repository size limit, you can [reduce your repository size with Git
| Setting | | Default |
| ----------- | ----------- | ------------- |
| [Repository size including LFS](../admin_area/settings/ | 10 GB | Unlimited |
| Maximum import size | 5 GB | 50 MB |
| Maximum import size | 5 GB | Unlimited |
`git push` and GitLab project imports are limited to 5 GB per request through Cloudflare. Git LFS and imports other than a file upload are not affected by this limit.
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ For more details on the specific data persisted in a group export, see the
file from there by clicking **Download export**, or generate a new file by clicking **Regenerate export**.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is 50MB.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is `0` (unlimited).
As an administrator, you can modify the maximum import file size. To do so, use the `max_import_size` option in the [Application settings API](../../../api/ or the [Admin UI](../../admin_area/settings/
### Between CE and EE
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ If use of the `Internal` visibility level
all imported projects are given the visibility of `Private`.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is 50MB.
The maximum import file size can be set by the Administrator, default is `0` (unlimited).
As an administrator, you can modify the maximum import file size. To do so, use the `max_import_size` option in the [Application settings API](../../../api/ or the [Admin Area UI](../../admin_area/settings/
### Project import status
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ module EE
prepended do
argument :iteration_id, ::GraphQL::ID_TYPE.to_list_type,
required: false,
description: 'Iterations applied to the issue'
description: 'Iterations applied to the issue.'
argument :epic_id, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported'
description: 'ID of an epic associated with the issues, "none" and "any" values are supported.'
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module EE
argument :has_vulnerabilities, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
default_value: false,
description: 'Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities'
description: 'Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities.'
def resolve(include_subgroups:, search:, sort:, has_vulnerabilities: false)
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Resolvers
argument :issue_filters, Types::Boards::BoardIssueInputType,
required: false,
description: 'Filters applied when selecting issues on the board'
description: 'Filters applied when selecting issues on the board.'
type Types::Boards::BoardEpicType, null: true
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Resolvers
when_single do
argument :id, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Boards::EpicBoard],
required: true,
description: 'Find an epic board by ID'
description: 'Find an epic board by ID.'
alias_method :group, :object
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Resolvers
argument :start_date, Types::DateType,
required: true,
description: 'First day for which to fetch code coverage activity (maximum time window is set to 90 days)'
description: 'First day for which to fetch code coverage activity (maximum time window is set to 90 days).'
alias_method :group, :object
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Resolvers
when_single do
argument :name, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: true,
description: 'Name of the cluster agent'
description: 'Name of the cluster agent.'
alias_method :project, :object
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Resolvers
when_single do
argument :id, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::DastSiteProfile], required: true,
description: "ID of the site profile"
description: "ID of the site profile."
def resolve(**args)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Resolvers
type Types::DastSiteValidationType.connection_type, null: true
argument :normalized_target_urls, [GraphQL::STRING_TYPE], required: false,
description: 'Normalized URL of the target to be scanned'
description: 'Normalized URL of the target to be scanned.'
def resolve(**args)
return DastSiteValidation.none unless allowed?
......@@ -7,48 +7,48 @@ module Resolvers
argument :iid, GraphQL::ID_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'IID of the epic, e.g., "1"'
description: 'IID of the epic, e.g., "1".'
argument :iids, [GraphQL::ID_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2]'
description: 'List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2].'
argument :state, Types::EpicStateEnum,
required: false,
description: 'Filter epics by state'
description: 'Filter epics by state.'
argument :search, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Search query for epic title or description'
description: 'Search query for epic title or description.'
argument :sort, Types::EpicSortEnum,
required: false,
description: 'List epics by sort order'
description: 'List epics by sort order.'
argument :author_username, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Filter epics by author'
description: 'Filter epics by author.'
argument :label_name, [GraphQL::STRING_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'Filter epics by labels'
description: 'Filter epics by labels.'
argument :milestone_title, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: "Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues"
description: "Filter epics by milestone title, computed from epic's issues."
argument :iid_starts_with, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Filter epics by IID for autocomplete'
description: 'Filter epics by IID for autocomplete.'
argument :include_descendant_groups, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Include epics from descendant groups',
description: 'Include epics from descendant groups.',
default_value: true
argument :confidential, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Filter epics by given confidentiality'
description: 'Filter epics by given confidentiality.'
type Types::EpicType, null: true
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Resolvers
argument :ids,
required: false,
description: 'Filters registries by their ID'
description: 'Filters registries by their ID.'
def resolve(ids: nil)
return registry_class.none unless geo_node_is_current?
......@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ module Resolvers
argument :iid, GraphQL::ID_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'IID of the requirement, e.g., "1"'
description: 'IID of the requirement, e.g., "1".'
argument :iids, [GraphQL::ID_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'List of IIDs of requirements, e.g., [1, 2]'
description: 'List of IIDs of requirements, e.g., [1, 2].'
def resolve_with_lookahead(**args)
# The project could have been loaded in batch by `BatchLoader`.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Resolvers
class TestReportsResolver < BaseResolver
argument :sort, Types::SortEnum,
required: false,
description: 'List test reports by sort order'
description: 'List test reports by sort order.'
type Types::RequirementsManagement::TestReportType, null: true
......@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ module Resolvers
argument :start_date, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: 'List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate'
description: 'List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate.'
argument :end_date, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: 'List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate'
description: 'List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate.'
argument :start_time, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: 'List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime'
description: 'List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime.'
argument :end_time, Types::TimeType,
required: false,
description: 'List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime'
description: 'List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime.'
def resolve_with_lookahead(**args)
return Timelog.none unless timelogs_available_for_user?
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Resolvers
argument :link_type, Types::Vulnerability::IssueLinkTypeEnum,
required: false,
description: 'Filter issue links by link type'
description: 'Filter issue links by link type.'
delegate :issue_links, :created_issue_links, to: :object, private: true
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ module Resolvers
type Types::VulnerabilitiesCountByDayType, null: true
argument :start_date, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601Date, required: true,
description: 'First day for which to fetch vulnerability history'
description: 'First day for which to fetch vulnerability history.'
argument :end_date, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601Date, required: true,
description: 'Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history'
description: 'Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history.'
def resolve(**args)
return [] unless vulnerable
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Resolvers
argument :include_subgroups, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
default_value: false,
description: 'Include grades belonging to subgroups'
description: 'Include grades belonging to subgroups.'
def resolve(**args)
......@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ module Resolvers
type Types::VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityType, null: true
argument :start_date, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601Date, required: true,
description: 'First day for which to fetch vulnerability history'
description: 'First day for which to fetch vulnerability history.'
argument :end_date, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601Date, required: true,
description: 'Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history'
description: 'Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history.'
def resolve(**args)
return [] unless vulnerable
......@@ -8,36 +8,36 @@ module Resolvers
argument :project_id, [GraphQL::ID_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by project'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by project.'
argument :report_type, [Types::VulnerabilityReportTypeEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by report type'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by report type.'
argument :severity, [Types::VulnerabilitySeverityEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by severity'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by severity.'
argument :state, [Types::VulnerabilityStateEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by state'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by state.'
argument :scanner, [GraphQL::STRING_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by VulnerabilityScanner.externalId'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by VulnerabilityScanner.externalId.'
argument :sort, Types::VulnerabilitySortEnum,
required: false,
default_value: 'severity_desc',
description: 'List vulnerabilities by sort order'
description: 'List vulnerabilities by sort order.'
argument :has_resolution, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Returns only the vulnerabilities which have been resolved on default branch'
description: 'Returns only the vulnerabilities which have been resolved on default branch.'
argument :has_issues, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
required: false,
description: 'Returns only the vulnerabilities which have linked issues'
description: 'Returns only the vulnerabilities which have linked issues.'
def resolve(**args)
return Vulnerability.none unless vulnerable
......@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ module Resolvers
argument :project_id, [GraphQL::ID_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by project'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by project.'
argument :report_type, [Types::VulnerabilityReportTypeEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by report type'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by report type.'
argument :severity, [Types::VulnerabilitySeverityEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by severity'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by severity.'
argument :state, [Types::VulnerabilityStateEnum],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by state'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by state.'
argument :scanner, [GraphQL::STRING_TYPE],
required: false,
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by scanner'
description: 'Filter vulnerabilities by scanner.'
def resolve(**args)
return Vulnerability.none unless vulnerable
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ secret_detection:
when: never
- if [[ $CI_COMMIT_TAG ]]; echo "Skipping Secret Detection for tags. No code changes have occurred."; then exit 0; fi
- if [[ $CI_COMMIT_TAG ]]; then echo "Skipping Secret Detection for tags. No code changes have occurred."; exit 0; fi
- git log --left-right --cherry-pick --pretty=format:"%H" refs/remotes/origin/$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH...refs/remotes/origin/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME > "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"_commit_list.txt
# frozen_string_literal: true
FactoryBot.define do
factory :debian_group_architecture, class: 'Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture' do
distribution { association(:debian_group_distribution) }
sequence(:name) { |n| "group-arch-#{n}" }
# frozen_string_literal: true
FactoryBot.define do
factory :debian_project_architecture, class: 'Packages::Debian::ProjectArchitecture' do
distribution { association(:debian_project_distribution) }
sequence(:name) { |n| "project-arch-#{n}" }
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture do
it_behaves_like 'Debian Distribution Architecture', :debian_group_architecture, :group, false
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Packages::Debian::ProjectArchitecture do
it_behaves_like 'Debian Distribution Architecture', :debian_project_architecture, :project, true
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.shared_examples 'Debian Distribution Architecture' do |factory, container, can_freeze|
let_it_be_with_refind(:architecture) { create(factory) } # rubocop:disable Rails/SaveBang
let_it_be(:architecture_same_distribution, freeze: can_freeze) { create(factory, distribution: architecture.distribution) }
let_it_be(:architecture_same_name, freeze: can_freeze) { create(factory, name: }
subject { architecture }
describe 'relationships' do
it { belong_to(:distribution).class_name("Packages::Debian::#{container.capitalize}Distribution").inverse_of(:architectures) }
describe 'validations' do
describe "#distribution" do
it { validate_presence_of(:distribution) }
describe '#name' do
it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
it { allow_value('amd64').for(:name) }
it { allow_value('kfreebsd-i386').for(:name) }
it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('-a').for(:name) }
it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('AMD64').for(:name) }
describe 'scopes' do
describe '.with_distribution' do
subject { described_class.with_distribution(architecture.distribution) }
it 'does not return other distributions' do
expect(subject.to_a).to eq([architecture, architecture_same_distribution])
describe '.with_name' do
subject { described_class.with_name( }
it 'does not return other distributions' do
expect(subject.to_a).to eq([architecture, architecture_same_name])
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ RSpec.shared_examples 'Debian Distribution' do |factory, container, can_freeze|
describe 'relationships' do
it { belong_to(container) }
it { belong_to(:creator).class_name('User') }
it { have_many(:architectures).class_name("Packages::Debian::#{container.capitalize}Architecture").inverse_of(:distribution) }
describe 'validations' do
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