Commit c274e589 authored by Marcia Ramos's avatar Marcia Ramos

Merge branch 'suggestion-for-code-review-docs' into 'master'

Add a new section on iteration to Code Review docs

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!23966
parents 87cdcfa4 76ff2656
......@@ -347,6 +347,12 @@ reviewee.
of the contributed code. It's usually a good idea to ask another maintainer or
reviewer before doing it, but have the courage to do it when you believe it is
- In the interest of [Iteration](,
if, as a reviewer, your suggestions are non-blocking changes or personal preference
(not a documented or agreed requirement), consider approving the merge request
before passing it back to the author. This allows them to implement your suggestions
if they agree, or allows them to pass it onto the
maintainer for review straight away. This can help reduce our overall time-to-merge.
- There is a difference in doing things right and doing things right now.
Ideally, we should do the former, but in the real world we need the latter as
well. A good example is a security fix which should be released as soon as
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