Commit c31e88b6 authored by Markus Koller's avatar Markus Koller

Merge branch '212388-docs-and-follow-up-spdx' into 'master'

Follow-up from SPDX list for offline instance

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!39463
parents 52010107 b988739b
title: Enable read SPDX catalogue from local copy
merge_request: 39463
type: added
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ The following are available Rake tasks:
| [Praefect Rake tasks](../administration/raketasks/ | [Praefect](../administration/gitaly/ tasks. |
| [Project import/export](../administration/raketasks/ | Prepare for [project exports and imports](../user/project/settings/ |
| [Sample Prometheus data]( | Generate sample Prometheus data. |
| [SPDX license list import]( **(PREMIUM ONLY)** | Import a local copy of the [SPDX license list]( for matching [License Compliance policies](../user/compliance/license_compliance/| |
| [Repository storage](../administration/raketasks/ | List and migrate existing projects and attachments from legacy storage to hashed storage. |
| [Uploads migrate](../administration/raketasks/uploads/ | Migrate uploads between storage local and object storage. |
| [Uploads sanitize](../administration/raketasks/uploads/ | Remove EXIF data from images uploaded to earlier versions of GitLab. |
# SPDX license list import **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
GitLab provides a Rake task for uploading a fresh copy of the [SPDX license list](
to a GitLab instance. This list is needed for matching the names of [License Compliance policies](../user/compliance/license_compliance/
To import a fresh copy of the PDX license list, run:
# omnibus-gitlab
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:spdx:import
# source installations
bundle exec rake gitlab:spdx:import RAILS_ENV=production
To perform this task in the [offline environment](../user/application_security/offline_deployments/#defining-offline-environments),
an outbound connection to [`licenses.json`]( should be
......@@ -695,6 +695,16 @@ Additional configuration may be needed for connecting to
[private Python repositories](#using-private-python-repos),
and [private Yarn registries](#using-private-yarn-registries).
### SPDX license list name matching
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 13.3.
Prior to GitLab 13.3, offline environments required an exact name match for [project policies](#policies).
In GitLab 13.3 and later, GitLab matches the name of [project policies](#policies)
with identifiers from the [SPDX license list](
A local copy of the SPDX license list is distributed with the GitLab instance. If needed, the GitLab
instance's administrator can manually update it with a [Rake task](../../../raketasks/
Exact name matches are required for [project policies](#policies)
when running in an offline environment ([see related issue](
......@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ introduced_by_url:
group: group::composition analysis
type: development
default_enabled: false
default_enabled: true
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Gitlab
OFFLINE_CATALOGUE = Rails.root.join('vendor/spdx.json').freeze
def fetch
return offline_catalogue if Feature.enabled?(:offline_spdx_catalogue)
return offline_catalogue if Feature.enabled?(:offline_spdx_catalogue, default_enabled: true)
response = ::Gitlab::HTTP.get(URL)
......@@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ require 'gitlab/json'
namespace :gitlab do
namespace :spdx do
desc 'GitLab | SPDX | Import copy of the catalogue to store it offline'
task :import do
spdx_url = Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::URL
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(spdx_url))
data = Gitlab::Json.parse(resp.body)
task import: :environment do
spdx_url = ::Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::URL
resp = Gitlab::HTTP.get(URI.parse(spdx_url))
path = Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::OFFLINE_CATALOGUE
raise 'Network failure' if resp.code != 200
data = ::Gitlab::Json.parse(resp.body)
path = ::Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::OFFLINE_CATALOGUE
IO.write(path, data.to_json, mode: 'w')
puts "Local copy of SPDX catalogue is saved to #{path}"
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rake_helper'
RSpec.describe 'gitlab:rake tasks' do
before do
Rake.application.rake_require 'tasks/gitlab/spdx'
describe 'import' do
subject { run_rake_task 'gitlab:spdx:import' }
let(:path) { Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::OFFLINE_CATALOGUE }
let(:data) { { license1: 'test', license2: 'test2' } }
context 'with successful download of the catalogue' do
before do
stub_request(:get, Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::URL).to_return(status: 200, body: data.to_json)
expect(IO).to receive(:write).with(path, anything, mode: 'w')
it 'saves the catalogue to the file' do
expect { subject }.to output("Local copy of SPDX catalogue is saved to #{path}\n").to_stdout
context 'when downloaded catalogue is broken' do
before do
stub_request(:get, Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::URL).to_return(status: 200, body: data.inspect)
it 'raises parsing failure' do
expect { subject }.to output(/Import of SPDX catalogue failed: unexpected colon \(\)/).to_stdout
context 'with network failure' do
before do
stub_request(:get, Gitlab::SPDX::CatalogueGateway::URL).to_return(status: 404)
it 'raises network failure error' do
expect { subject }.to output("Import of SPDX catalogue failed: Network failure\n").to_stdout
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