@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: Learn how to contribute to GitLab Documentation.
# GitLab Documentation guidelines
The GitLab documentation is [intended as the single source of truth (SSOT)](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/documentation/) for information about how to configure, use, and troubleshoot GitLab. The documentation contains use cases and usage instructions for every GitLab feature, organized by product area and subject. This includes topics and workflows that span multiple GitLab features, and the use of GitLab with other applications.
The GitLab documentation is [intended as the single source of truth (SSOT)](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/documentation/) for information about how to configure, use, and troubleshoot GitLab. The documentation contains use cases and usage instructions for every GitLab feature, organized by product area and subject. This includes topics and workflows that span multiple GitLab features and the use of GitLab with other applications.
In addition to this page, the following resources can help you craft and contribute to documentation:
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ docs-only merge requests using the following guide:
[Contributions to GitLab docs](workflow.md) are welcome from the entire GitLab community.
To ensure that GitLab docs are current, there are special processes and responsibilities for all [feature changes](workflow.md), that is development work that impacts the appearance, usage, or administration of a feature.
To ensure that the GitLab docs are current, there are special processes and responsibilities for all [feature changes](workflow.md), that is development work that impacts the appearance, usage, or administration of a feature.
However, anyone can contribute [documentation improvements](workflow.md) that are not associated with a feature change. For example, adding a new doc on how to accomplish a use case that's already possible with GitLab or with third-party tools and GitLab.
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ For example:
1. The change shows up in the 14.5 self-managed release, due to missing the release cutoff
for 14.4.
The exact cutoff date for each release is flexible, and can be earlier or later
than expected due to holidays, weekends, or other events. In general, MRs merged
The exact cutoff date for each release is flexible, and can be sooner or later
than expected due to holidays, weekends or other events. In general, MRs merged
by the 17th should be present in the release on the 22nd, though it is not guaranteed.
If it is important that a documentation update is present in that month's release,
merge it as early as possible.
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ with the following conventions:
- It's relative to the `doc/` directory in the GitLab repository.
- It omits the `.md` extension.
- It doesn't end with a slash (`/`).
- It doesn't end with a forward slash (`/`).
The help text follows the [Pajamas guidelines](https://design.gitlab.com/usability/helping-users/#formatting-help-content).