Commit c6dbd435 authored by Lin Jen-Shin's avatar Lin Jen-Shin

Rename the module and add a simple test to check

if all methods are also presented in the user.
parent 02732e85
class DeployToken < ActiveRecord::Base
include Expirable
include TokenAuthenticatable
include PolicyCheckable
include PolicyActor
add_authentication_token_field :token
AVAILABLE_SCOPES = %i(read_repository read_registry).freeze
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Include this module if we want to pass something else than the user to
# check policies. This defines several methods which the policy checker
# would call and check.
module PolicyCheckable
module PolicyActor
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
prepend EE::PolicyCheckable
prepend EE::PolicyActor
def blocked?
# frozen_string_literal: true
module EE
module PolicyCheckable
module PolicyActor
def auditor?
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
describe PolicyActor do
it 'implements all the methods from user' do
methods = subject.instance_methods
# User.instance_methods do not return all methods until an instance is
# initialized. So here we just use an instance
expect(build(:user).methods).to include(*methods)
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