Commit c76d0e5a authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Merge branch '225950-replace-fa-trash-o-with-gitlab-svg-remove' into 'master'

Replace fa-trash-o icons with GitLab SVG remove icon

Closes #225950

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!41748
parents 9457904b 58a0599b
......@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@
- if mirror.ssh_key_auth?
= clipboard_button(text: mirror.ssh_public_key, class: 'btn btn-default', title: _('Copy SSH public key'), qa_selector: 'copy_public_key_button')
= render 'shared/remote_mirror_update_button', remote_mirror: mirror{ type: 'button', data: { mirror_id:, toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' }, title: _('Remove') }= icon('trash-o'){ type: 'button', data: { mirror_id:, toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' }, title: _('Remove') }= sprite_icon('remove')
......@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@
= note.attachment_identifier
= link_to delete_attachment_project_note_path(note.project, note),
title: _('Delete this attachment'), method: :delete, remote: true, data: { confirm: _('Are you sure you want to remove the attachment?') }, class: 'danger js-note-attachment-delete' do
= icon('trash-o', class: 'cred')
= sprite_icon('remove', css_class: 'cred')
title: Replace fa-trash-o icons with GitLab SVG remove icon
merge_request: 41748
type: changed
......@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
- else
= link_to update_now_project_mirror_path(@project), method: :post, class: 'btn js-force-update-mirror', data: { container: 'body', toggle: 'tooltip', qa_selector: 'update_now_button' }, title: _('Update now') do
= icon("refresh")
%button.js-delete-mirror.js-delete-pull-mirror.btn.btn-danger{ type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' }, title: _('Remove') }= icon('trash-o')
%button.js-delete-mirror.js-delete-pull-mirror.btn.btn-danger{ type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' }, title: _('Remove') }= sprite_icon('remove')
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