Commit c935a786 authored by Michael Kozono's avatar Michael Kozono Committed by Douglas Barbosa Alexandre

Geo: Document verification indexes

parent ae991fd6
......@@ -433,24 +433,36 @@ can track verification state.
1. Add an index on `verification_state` to ensure verification can be performed efficiently:
1. Add indexes on verification fields to ensure verification can be performed efficiently:
Some or all of these indexes can be omitted if the table is guaranteed to be small. Ask a database expert if you are unsure.
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationStateIndexToWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
class AddVerificationIndexesToWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME = "index_widgets_verification_state"
PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_widgets_pending_verification"
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_widgets_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_widgets_needs_verification"
def up
add_concurrent_index :widgets, :verification_state, name: "index_widgets_on_verification_state"
add_concurrent_index :widgets, :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :widgets, :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :widgets, :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :widgets, :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
def down
remove_concurrent_index :widgets, :verification_state
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :widgets, VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :widgets, PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :widgets, FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :widgets, NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
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