@@ -520,8 +520,10 @@ You can use these fake tokens as examples:
| jargon | Do not use. Define the term or [link to a definition](#links-to-external-documentation). |
| may, might | **Might** means something has the probability of occurring. **May** gives permission to do something. Consider **can** instead of **may**. |
| me, myself, mine | Do not use first-person singular. Use **you**, **we**, or **us** instead. ([Vale](../testing.md#vale) rule: [`FirstPerson.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/doc/.vale/gitlab/FirstPerson.yml)) |
| permissions | Do not use roles and permissions interchangeably. Each user is assigned a role. Each role includes a set of permissions. |
| please | Do not use. For details, see the [Microsoft style guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/a-z-word-list-term-collections/p/please). |
| profanity | Do not use. Doing so may negatively affect other users and contributors, which is contrary to the GitLab value of [Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#diversity-inclusion). |
| roles | Do not use roles and permissions interchangeably. Each user is assigned a role. Each role includes a set of permissions. |
| scalability | Do not use when talking about increasing GitLab performance for additional users. The words scale or scaling are sometimes acceptable, but references to increasing GitLab performance for additional users should direct readers to the GitLab [reference architectures](../../../administration/reference_architectures/index.md) page. |
| simply | Do not use. If the user doesn't find the process to be these things, we lose their trust. |
| slashes | Instead of **and/or**, use **or** or another sensible construction. This rule also applies to other slashes, like **follow/unfollow**. Some exceptions (like **CI/CD**) are allowed. |