Commit ce6d8bae authored by Scott Hampton's avatar Scott Hampton

Fix blob path to sha

Use the pipeline sha in the project blob path so
that the pipeline spec tests don't fail.
parent 6bd245cb
......@@ -83,5 +83,5 @@
#js-pipeline-tests-detail{ data: { summary_endpoint: summary_project_pipeline_tests_path(@project, @pipeline, format: :json),
suite_endpoint: project_pipeline_test_path(@project, @pipeline, suite_name: 'suite', format: :json),
blob_path: project_blob_path(@project, @pipeline.commit) } }
blob_path: project_blob_path(@project, @pipeline.sha) } }
= render_if_exists "projects/pipelines/tabs_content", pipeline: @pipeline, project: @project
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