Commit cff20505 authored by Nathan Friend's avatar Nathan Friend

Add warning about Pages initial deployment delay

This commit adds a warning message that is always displayed that informs
users that their GitLab Pages sites will take a bit of time before they
can be accessed after being deployed for the first time.
parent 290f2672
......@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
Congratulations! Your pages are served under:
= _("Your pages are served under:")
%p= link_to @project.pages_url, @project.pages_url
- @project.pages_domains.each do |domain|
%p= link_to domain.url, domain.url
= _("It may take up to 30 minutes before the site is available after the first deployment.")
title: Add warning about initial deployment delay for GitLab Pages sites
merge_request: 32122
type: added
......@@ -8446,6 +8446,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "IssuesAnalytics|Total:"
msgstr ""
msgid "It may take up to 30 minutes before the site is available after the first deployment."
msgstr ""
msgid "It must have a header row and at least two columns: the first column is the issue title and the second column is the issue description. The separator is automatically detected."
msgstr ""
......@@ -17875,6 +17878,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Your new personal access token has been created."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your pages are served under:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your password reset token has expired."
msgstr ""
......@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ shared_examples 'pages settings editing' do
expect(page).to have_content('Access pages')
it 'renders first deployment warning' do
visit project_pages_path(project)
expect(page).to have_content('It may take up to 30 minutes before the site is available after the first deployment.')
context 'when support for external domains is disabled' do
it 'renders message that support is disabled' do
visit project_pages_path(project)
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