Commit d20957b3 authored by jerasmus's avatar jerasmus

Add clusters polling

Added a polling mechanism for the clusters endpoint
parent f1e37610
import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import Poll from '~/lib/utils/poll';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
import flash from '~/flash';
import { __ } from '~/locale';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
export const fetchClusters = ({ state, commit }) => {
return axios
.then(({ data }) => {
const poll = new Poll({
resource: {
fetchClusters: endpoint => axios.get(endpoint),
data: state.endpoint,
method: 'fetchClusters',
successCallback: ({ data }) => {
commit(types.SET_CLUSTERS_DATA, convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(data, { deep: true }));
commit(types.SET_LOADING_STATE, false);
.catch(() => flash(__('An error occurred while loading clusters')));
errorCallback: () => flash(__('An error occurred while loading clusters')),
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
Visibility.change(() => {
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
} else {
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