Commit d235235b authored by Désirée Chevalier's avatar Désirée Chevalier Committed by Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski

Update e2e best practices test case section

parent dc860cb9
......@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@ In case custom inflection logic is needed, custom inflectors are added in the [q
## Link a test to its test case
Every test should have a corresponding test case in the [GitLab project Test Cases]( as well as a results issue in the [Quality Test Cases project](
It's recommended that you reuse the issue created to plan the test as the results issue. If a test case or results issue does not already exist you
can create them yourself by using this [end-to-end test issue template]( to format the issue description. (Note you must copy/paste this for test cases as templates aren't currently available.) Alternatively, you can run the test in a pipeline that has reporting enabled and the test-case reporter will automatically create a new test case and/or results issue and link the results issue to it's corresponding test case.
If a test case issue does not yet exist you can create one yourself. To do so, create a new
issue in the [Test Cases]( GitLab project
with a placeholder title. After the test case URL is linked to a test in the code, when the test is
run in a pipeline that has reporting enabled, the `report-results` script automatically updates the
test case and the results issue.
If a results issue does not yet exist, the `report-results` script automatically creates one and
links it to its corresponding test case.
Whether you create a new test case or one is created automatically, you will need to manually add
a `testcase` RSpec metadata tag. In most cases, a single test will be associated with a single test case.
To link a test case to a test in the code, you must manually add a `testcase` RSpec metadata tag.
In most cases, a single test is associated with a single test case.
For example:
......@@ -92,106 +97,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Create' do
There would be four associated test cases, two for each shared example, with the following content for the first two:
[Test 1 Test Case](
Title: browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb | Create Restricted
protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected
branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges selecte...
### Full description
Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push
to a protected branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges selected developer user
pushes and merges
### File path
Active and historical test results:
[Test 1 Results Issue](
Title: browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb | Create Restricted
protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected
branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges selecte...
### Full description
Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push
to a protected branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges selected developer user
pushes and merges
### File path
[Test 2 Test Case](
Title: browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb | Create Restricted
protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected
branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges unselec...
### Full description
Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push
to a protected branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges unselected maintainer
user fails to push
### File path
Active and historical test results:
[Test 2 Results Issue](
Title: browser_ui/3_create/repository/restrict_push_protected_branch_spec.rb | Create Restricted
protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push to a protected
branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges unselec...
### Full description
Create Restricted protected branch push and merge when only one user is allowed to merge and push
to a protected branch behaves like only user with access pushes and merges unselected maintainer
user fails to push
### File path
We recommend creating four associated test cases, two for each shared example.
## Prefer API over UI
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