'ContainerRegistry|Expiration policies help manage the storage space used by the Container Registry, but the expiration policies for this registry are disabled. Contact your administrator to enable. %{docLinkStart}More information%{docLinkEnd}',
exportconstDELETE_ALERT_TITLE=s__('ContainerRegistry|Some tags were not deleted');
exportconstDELETE_ALERT_TITLE=s__('ContainerRegistry|Some tags were not deleted');
'ContainerRegistry|The cleanup policy timed out before it could delete all tags. An administrator can %{adminLinkStart}manually run cleanup now%{adminLinkEnd} or you can wait for the cleanup policy to automatically run again. %{docLinkStart}More information%{docLinkEnd}',
'ContainerRegistry|The cleanup policy timed out before it could delete all tags. An administrator can %{adminLinkStart}manually run cleanup now%{adminLinkEnd} or you can wait for the cleanup policy to automatically run again. %{docLinkStart}More information%{docLinkEnd}',
msgid "ContainerRegistry|Expiration policies help manage the storage space used by the Container Registry, but the expiration policies for this registry are disabled. Contact your administrator to enable. %{docLinkStart}More information%{docLinkEnd}"
msgstr ""
msgid "ContainerRegistry|Expiration policy is disabled"
msgid "ContainerRegistry|Expiration policy is disabled"