Commit d4b66969 authored by Himanshu Kapoor's avatar Himanshu Kapoor

Add support for horizontal rule in content editor

Users can now add a horizontal rule using the button in the toolbar
or by typing --- in the editor window in content editor.

Changelog: added
parent f6b8ef31
......@@ -123,5 +123,14 @@ export default {
:label="__('Add a horizontal rule')"
import { nodeInputRule } from '@tiptap/core';
import { HorizontalRule } from '@tiptap/extension-horizontal-rule';
import { defaultMarkdownSerializer } from 'prosemirror-markdown/src/to_markdown';
export const tiptapExtension = HorizontalRule;
export const hrInputRuleRegExp = /^---$/;
export const tiptapExtension = HorizontalRule.extend({
addInputRules() {
return [nodeInputRule(hrInputRuleRegExp, this.type)];
export const serializer = defaultMarkdownSerializer.nodes.horizontal_rule;
......@@ -1921,6 +1921,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add a homepage to your wiki that contains information about your project and GitLab will display it here instead of this message."
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a horizontal rule"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a line"
msgstr ""
......@@ -39,17 +39,18 @@ describe('content_editor/components/top_toolbar', () => {
testId | controlProps
${'bold'} | ${{ contentType: 'bold', iconName: 'bold', label: 'Bold text', editorCommand: 'toggleBold' }}
${'italic'} | ${{ contentType: 'italic', iconName: 'italic', label: 'Italic text', editorCommand: 'toggleItalic' }}
${'strike'} | ${{ contentType: 'strike', iconName: 'strikethrough', label: 'Strikethrough', editorCommand: 'toggleStrike' }}
${'code'} | ${{ contentType: 'code', iconName: 'code', label: 'Code', editorCommand: 'toggleCode' }}
${'blockquote'} | ${{ contentType: 'blockquote', iconName: 'quote', label: 'Insert a quote', editorCommand: 'toggleBlockquote' }}
${'bullet-list'} | ${{ contentType: 'bulletList', iconName: 'list-bulleted', label: 'Add a bullet list', editorCommand: 'toggleBulletList' }}
${'ordered-list'} | ${{ contentType: 'orderedList', iconName: 'list-numbered', label: 'Add a numbered list', editorCommand: 'toggleOrderedList' }}
${'code-block'} | ${{ contentType: 'codeBlock', iconName: 'doc-code', label: 'Insert a code block', editorCommand: 'toggleCodeBlock' }}
${'text-styles'} | ${{}}
${'link'} | ${{}}
testId | controlProps
${'bold'} | ${{ contentType: 'bold', iconName: 'bold', label: 'Bold text', editorCommand: 'toggleBold' }}
${'italic'} | ${{ contentType: 'italic', iconName: 'italic', label: 'Italic text', editorCommand: 'toggleItalic' }}
${'strike'} | ${{ contentType: 'strike', iconName: 'strikethrough', label: 'Strikethrough', editorCommand: 'toggleStrike' }}
${'code'} | ${{ contentType: 'code', iconName: 'code', label: 'Code', editorCommand: 'toggleCode' }}
${'blockquote'} | ${{ contentType: 'blockquote', iconName: 'quote', label: 'Insert a quote', editorCommand: 'toggleBlockquote' }}
${'bullet-list'} | ${{ contentType: 'bulletList', iconName: 'list-bulleted', label: 'Add a bullet list', editorCommand: 'toggleBulletList' }}
${'ordered-list'} | ${{ contentType: 'orderedList', iconName: 'list-numbered', label: 'Add a numbered list', editorCommand: 'toggleOrderedList' }}
${'horizontal-rule'} | ${{ contentType: 'horizontalRule', iconName: 'dash', label: 'Add a horizontal rule', editorCommand: 'setHorizontalRule' }}
${'code-block'} | ${{ contentType: 'codeBlock', iconName: 'doc-code', label: 'Insert a code block', editorCommand: 'toggleCodeBlock' }}
${'text-styles'} | ${{}}
${'link'} | ${{}}
`('given a $testId toolbar control', ({ testId, controlProps }) => {
beforeEach(() => {
import { hrInputRuleRegExp } from '~/content_editor/extensions/horizontal_rule';
describe('content_editor/extensions/horizontal_rule', () => {
input | matches
${'---'} | ${true}
${'--'} | ${false}
${'---x'} | ${false}
${' ---x'} | ${false}
${' --- '} | ${false}
${'x---x'} | ${false}
${'x---'} | ${false}
`('hrInputRuleRegExp', ({ input, matches }) => {
it(`${matches ? 'matches' : 'does not match'}: "${input}"`, () => {
const match = new RegExp(hrInputRuleRegExp).test(input);
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
markdown: '`code`'
- name: strike
markdown: '~~del~~'
- name: horizontal_rule
markdown: '---'
- name: link
markdown: '[GitLab]('
- name: code_block
Markdown is supported
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