Commit d80caad0 authored by Adam Hegyi's avatar Adam Hegyi

Fix integer columns on new VSA table

This migration replaces the analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events
with a version where bigints are used.

Changelog: changed
parent d98c7844
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RecreateStageIssueEventsTableWithBigints < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]
include Gitlab::Database::PartitioningMigrationHelpers::TableManagementHelpers
def up
drop_table :analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events # rubocop:disable Migration/DropTable
execute <<~SQL
CREATE TABLE analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events (
stage_event_hash_id bigint NOT NULL,
issue_id bigint NOT NULL,
group_id bigint NOT NULL,
project_id bigint NOT NULL,
milestone_id bigint,
author_id bigint,
start_event_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
end_event_timestamp timestamp with time zone,
PRIMARY KEY (stage_event_hash_id, issue_id)
) PARTITION BY HASH (stage_event_hash_id)
create_hash_partitions :analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events, 32
def down
drop_table :analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events
execute <<~SQL
CREATE TABLE analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events (
stage_event_hash_id integer NOT NULL,
issue_id integer NOT NULL,
group_id integer NOT NULL,
project_id integer NOT NULL,
milestone_id integer,
author_id integer,
start_event_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
end_event_timestamp timestamp with time zone,
PRIMARY KEY (stage_event_hash_id, issue_id)
) PARTITION BY HASH (stage_event_hash_id)
create_hash_partitions :analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events, 32
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