desc: 'Return issues that have no due date (`0`), or whose due date is this week, this month, between two weeks ago and next month, or which are overdue. Accepts: `overdue`, `week`, `month`, `next_month_and_previous_two_weeks`, `0`'
desc: 'Return issues that have no due date (`0`), or whose due date is this week, this month, between two weeks ago and next month, or which are overdue. Accepts: `overdue`, `week`, `month`, `next_month_and_previous_two_weeks`, `0`'
optional:issue_type,type: String,values: Issue.issue_types.keys,desc: "The type of the issue. Accepts: #{Issue.issue_types.keys.join(', ')}"
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ module API
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ module API
optional:due_date,type: String,desc: 'Date string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY'
optional:due_date,type: String,desc: 'Date string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY'
optional:confidential,type: Boolean,desc: 'Boolean parameter if the issue should be confidential'
optional:confidential,type: Boolean,desc: 'Boolean parameter if the issue should be confidential'
optional:discussion_locked,type: Boolean,desc: " Boolean parameter indicating if the issue's discussion is locked"
optional:discussion_locked,type: Boolean,desc: " Boolean parameter indicating if the issue's discussion is locked"
optional:issue_type,type: String,values: Issue.issue_types.keys,desc: "The type of the issue. Accepts: #{Issue.issue_types.keys.join(', ')}"