Commit dbf7607a authored by Miguel Rincon's avatar Miguel Rincon Committed by Matthias Kaeppler

Remove usage of legacy stages

This change removes legacy stages in the pipeline details view.
parent 549ea1d9
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Projects::PipelinesController < Projects::ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render_show }
format.json do
Gitlab::PollingInterval.set_header(response, interval: POLLING_INTERVAL)
......@@ -187,10 +187,7 @@ class Projects::PipelinesController < Projects::ApplicationController
def test_report
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
render 'show'
format.html { render_show }
format.json do
render json: TestReportSerializer
.new(current_user: @current_user)
......@@ -219,6 +216,8 @@ class Projects::PipelinesController < Projects::ApplicationController
def render_show
@stages = @pipeline.stages.with_latest_and_retried_statuses
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
render 'show'
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Ci
has_many :statuses, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :stage_id
has_many :latest_statuses, -> { ordered.latest }, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :stage_id
has_many :retried_statuses, -> { ordered.retried }, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :stage_id
has_many :processables, class_name: 'Ci::Processable', foreign_key: :stage_id
has_many :builds, foreign_key: :stage_id
has_many :bridges, foreign_key: :stage_id
......@@ -21,6 +22,12 @@ module Ci
scope :ordered, -> { order(position: :asc) }
scope :in_pipelines, ->(pipelines) { where(pipeline: pipelines) }
scope :by_name, ->(names) { where(name: names) }
scope :with_latest_and_retried_statuses, -> do
latest_statuses: [:pipeline, project: :namespace],
retried_statuses: [:pipeline, project: :namespace]
with_options unless: :importing? do
validates :project, presence: true
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- if pipeline.legacy_stages.present?
- if stages.present?
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
%th= _('Coverage')
= render partial: "projects/stage/stage", collection: pipeline.legacy_stages, as: :stage
= render partial: "projects/stage/stage", collection: stages, as: :stage
- if @pipeline.failed_builds.present?
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
- lint_link_start = '<a href="%{url}">'.html_safe % { url: lint_link_url }
= s_('You can also test your %{gitlab_ci_yml} in %{lint_link_start}CI Lint%{lint_link_end}').html_safe % { gitlab_ci_yml: '.gitlab-ci.yml', lint_link_start: lint_link_start, lint_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= render "projects/pipelines/with_tabs", pipeline: @pipeline, pipeline_has_errors: pipeline_has_errors
= render "projects/pipelines/with_tabs", pipeline: @pipeline, stages: @stages, pipeline_has_errors: pipeline_has_errors
.js-pipeline-details-vue{ data: { endpoint: project_pipeline_path(@project, @pipeline, format: :json), metrics_path: namespace_project_ci_prometheus_metrics_histograms_path(namespace_id: @project.namespace, project_id: @project, format: :json), pipeline_project_path: @project.full_path, pipeline_iid: @pipeline.iid, graphql_resource_etag: graphql_etag_pipeline_path(@pipeline) } }
- stage = stage.present(current_user: current_user)
%th{ colspan: 10 }
......@@ -8,8 +6,8 @@
= ci_icon_for_status(stage.status)
= render stage.latest_ordered_statuses, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, allow_retry: true
= render stage.retried_ordered_statuses, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, retried: true
= render stage.latest_statuses, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, allow_retry: true
= render stage.retried_statuses, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, retried: true
%td{ colspan: 10 }
......@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ stages:
- builds
- bridges
- latest_statuses
- retried_statuses
- project
- pipeline
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