Commit de54eefe authored by Nikolay Belokolodov's avatar Nikolay Belokolodov Committed by Fiona Neill

Update documentation to use Teleport for generating SAAS service ping

parent 39dcf147
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ We use the following terminology to describe the Service Ping components:
metric has a corresponding [metric definition](
in a YAML file.
- **MAU**: monthly active users.
- **WAU**: weekly active users.
- **WAU**: weekly active users.
### Why should we enable Service Ping?
......@@ -458,27 +458,56 @@ bin/rake gitlab:usage_data:dump_sql_in_json
bin/rake gitlab:usage_data:dump_sql_in_yaml > ~/Desktop/usage-metrics-2020-09-02.yaml
## Generating and troubleshooting Service Ping
## Generate Service Ping
This activity is to be done via a detached screen session on a remote server.
Before you begin these steps, make sure the key is added to the SSH agent locally
with the `ssh-add` command.
To generate Service Ping, use [Teleport]( or a detached screen session on a remote server.
### Triggering
1. Connect to bastion with agent forwarding: `$ ssh -A`
1. Create named screen: `$ screen -S <username>_usage_ping_<date>`
1. Connect to console host: `$ ssh $USER-rails@console-01-sv-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`
1. Run ``
1. Detach from screen: `ctrl + a, ctrl + d`
1. Exit from bastion: `$ exit`
#### Trigger Service Ping with Teleport
1. Request temporary [access]( to the required environment.
1. After your approval is issued, [access the Rails console](
1. Run ``.
#### Trigger Service Ping with a detached screen session
1. Connect to bastion with agent forwarding:
`$ ssh -A`.
1. Create named screen:
`$ screen -S <username>_usage_ping_<date>`.
1. Connect to console host:
`$ ssh $USER-rails@console-01-sv-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. Run ``
1. Detach from screen:
`ctrl + a, ctrl + d`
1. Exit from bastion:
`$ exit`
### Verification (After approx 30 hours)
1. Reconnect to bastion: `$ ssh -A`
1. Find your screen session: `$ screen -ls`
1. Attach to your screen session: `$ screen -x 14226.mwawrzyniak_usage_ping_2021_01_22`
#### Verify with a detached screen session
1. Follow [the steps]( to request a new access to the required environment and connect to the Rails console
1. Check the last payload in `raw_usage_data` table: `RawUsageData.last.payload`
1. Check the when the payload was sent: `RawUsageData.last.sent_at`
#### Verify using detached screen session
1. Reconnect to bastion:
`$ ssh -A`
1. Find your screen session:
`$ screen -ls`
1. Attach to your screen session:
`$ screen -x 14226.mwawrzyniak_usage_ping_2021_01_22`
1. Check the last payload in `raw_usage_data` table: `RawUsageData.last.payload`
1. Check the when the payload was sent: `RawUsageData.last.sent_at`
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