Commit e25fdad8 authored by Hannes Rosenögger's avatar Hannes Rosenögger

new push rule: reject commits based on negative match regex

This commit adds a new push rule that allows negative
matching of a regex on a commit message.
This allows to reject all commits messages that contain links for example.
parent e6f21f01
......@@ -2262,6 +2262,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20180612175636) do
t.boolean "reject_unsigned_commits"
t.boolean "commit_committer_check"
t.boolean "regexp_uses_re2", default: true
t.string "commit_message_negative_regex"
add_index "push_rules", ["is_sample"], name: "index_push_rules_on_is_sample", where: "is_sample", using: :btree
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ The following options are available.
| Check whether commit is signed through GPG | **Premium** 10.1 | Reject commit when it is not signed through GPG. Read [signing commits with GPG][signing-commits]. |
| Prevent committing secrets to Git | **Starter** 8.12 | GitLab will reject any files that are likely to contain secrets. Read [what files are forbidden](#prevent-pushing-secrets-to-the-repository). |
| Restrict by commit message | **Starter** 7.10 | Only commit messages that match this regular expression are allowed to be pushed. Leave empty to allow any commit message. Uses multiline mode, which can be disabled using `(?-m)`. |
| Restrict by commit message (negative match)| **Starter** 11.1 | Only commit messages that do not match this regular expression are allowed to be pushed. Leave empty to allow any commit message. Uses multiline mode, which can be disabled using `(?-m)`. |
| Restrict by branch name | **Starter** 9.3 | Only branch names that match this regular expression are allowed to be pushed. Leave empty to allow any branch name. |
| Restrict by commit author's email | **Starter** 7.10 | Only commit author's email that match this regular expression are allowed to be pushed. Leave empty to allow any email. |
| Prohibited file names | **Starter** 7.10 | Any committed filenames that match this regular expression are not allowed to be pushed. Leave empty to allow any filenames. |
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Admin::PushRulesController < Admin::ApplicationController
def push_rule_params
allowed_fields = %i[deny_delete_tag delete_branch_regex commit_message_regex
allowed_fields = %i[deny_delete_tag delete_branch_regex commit_message_regex commit_message_negative_regex
branch_name_regex force_push_regex author_email_regex
member_check file_name_regex max_file_size prevent_secrets]
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Projects::PushRulesController < Projects::ApplicationController
# Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.
def push_rule_params
allowed_fields = %i[deny_delete_tag delete_branch_regex commit_message_regex
allowed_fields = %i[deny_delete_tag delete_branch_regex commit_message_regex commit_message_negative_regex
branch_name_regex force_push_regex author_email_regex
member_check file_name_regex max_file_size prevent_secrets]
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class PushRule < ActiveRecord::Base
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class PushRule < ActiveRecord::Base
def commit_validation?
commit_message_regex.present? ||
commit_message_negative_regex.present? ||
branch_name_regex.present? ||
author_email_regex.present? ||
reject_unsigned_commits ||
......@@ -57,6 +59,10 @@ class PushRule < ActiveRecord::Base
data_match?(message, commit_message_regex, multiline: true)
def commit_message_blocked?(message)
commit_message_negative_regex.present? && data_match?(message, commit_message_negative_regex, multiline: true)
def branch_name_allowed?(branch)
data_match?(branch, branch_name_regex)
......@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ module EE
return false
if push_rule.commit_message_blocked?(params[:commit_message])
handle_merge_error(log_message: "Commit message contains the forbidden pattern '#{push_rule.commit_message_negative_regex}'", save_message_on_model: true)
return false
unless push_rule.author_email_allowed?(
handle_merge_error(log_message: "Commit author's email '#{}' does not follow the pattern '#{push_rule.author_email_regex}'", save_message_on_model: true)
return false
......@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@
If this field is empty it allows any commit message.
For example you can require that an issue number is always mentioned in the commit message.
= f.label :commit_message_negative_regex, "Commit message negative match", class: 'label-light'
= f.text_field :commit_message_negative_regex, class: "form-control", placeholder: 'Example: ssh\:\/\/'
No commit message is allowed to match this
= link_to 'Ruby regular expression', ''
to be pushed.
If this field is empty it allows any commit message.
For example you can require that no commit message contains any links.
= f.label :branch_name_regex, "Branch name", class: "label-light"
= f.text_field :branch_name_regex, class: "form-control", placeholder: 'Example: (feature|hotfix)\/*'
title: Add a new push rule to allow negative matching of commit messages.
merge_request: 5453
author: Hannes Rosenögger
type: added
class AddNegativeMatchingCommitMessagePushRule < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
add_column :push_rules, :commit_message_negative_regex, :string, null: true
def down
remove_column :push_rules, :commit_message_negative_regex
......@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@ module API
optional :member_check, type: Boolean, desc: 'Restrict commits by author (email) to existing GitLab users'
optional :prevent_secrets, type: Boolean, desc: 'GitLab will reject any files that are likely to contain secrets'
optional :commit_message_regex, type: String, desc: 'All commit messages must match this'
optional :commit_message_negative_regex, type: String, desc: 'No commit message is allowed to match this'
optional :branch_name_regex, type: String, desc: 'All branches names must match this'
optional :author_email_regex, type: String, desc: 'All commit author emails must match this'
optional :file_name_regex, type: String, desc: 'All commited filenames must not match this'
optional :max_file_size, type: Integer, desc: 'Maximum file size (MB)'
at_least_one_of :deny_delete_tag, :member_check, :prevent_secrets,
:commit_message_regex, :branch_name_regex, :author_email_regex,
:commit_message_regex, :commit_message_negative_regex, :branch_name_regex, :author_email_regex,
:file_name_regex, :max_file_size
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module EE
class ProjectPushRule < Grape::Entity
expose :id, :project_id, :created_at
expose :commit_message_regex, :branch_name_regex, :deny_delete_tag
expose :commit_message_regex, :commit_message_negative_regex, :branch_name_regex, :deny_delete_tag
expose :member_check, :prevent_secrets, :author_email_regex
expose :file_name_regex, :max_file_size
......@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ module EE
return "Commit message does not follow the pattern '#{push_rule.commit_message_regex}'"
if push_rule.commit_message_blocked?(commit.safe_message)
return "Commit message contains the forbidden pattern '#{push_rule.commit_message_negative_regex}'"
unless push_rule.author_email_allowed?(commit.committer_email)
return "Committer's email '#{commit.committer_email}' does not follow the pattern '#{push_rule.author_email_regex}'"
......@@ -71,15 +71,29 @@ describe Gitlab::Checks::ChangeAccess do
it_behaves_like 'check ignored when push rule unlicensed'
it 'returns an error if the rule fails' do
it 'returns an error if the rule fails due to missing required characters' do
expect { subject.exec }.to raise_error(Gitlab::GitAccess::UnauthorizedError, "Commit message does not follow the pattern '#{push_rule.commit_message_regex}'")
it 'returns an error if the rule fails due to forbidden characters' do
push_rule.commit_message_regex = nil
push_rule.commit_message_negative_regex = '.*'
expect { subject.exec }.to raise_error(Gitlab::GitAccess::UnauthorizedError, "Commit message contains the forbidden pattern '#{push_rule.commit_message_negative_regex}'")
it 'returns an error if the regex is invalid' do
push_rule.commit_message_regex = '+'
expect { subject.exec }.to raise_error(Gitlab::GitAccess::UnauthorizedError, /\ARegular expression '\+' is invalid/)
it 'returns an error if the negative regex is invalid' do
push_rule.commit_message_regex = nil
push_rule.commit_message_negative_regex = '+'
expect { subject.exec }.to raise_error(Gitlab::GitAccess::UnauthorizedError, /\ARegular expression '\+' is invalid/)
context 'author email rules' do
......@@ -55,12 +55,18 @@ For more information: #{EE::Gitlab::GeoGitAccess::GEO_SERVER_DOCS_URL}"
expect { access.send(:check_push_access!, "#{start_sha} #{end_sha} refs/heads/master") }.not_to raise_error
it 'returns false' do
it 'returns false when a commit message is missing required matches (positive regex match)' do
project.create_push_rule(commit_message_regex: "")
expect { access.send(:check_push_access!, "#{start_sha} #{end_sha} refs/heads/master") }.to raise_error(described_class::UnauthorizedError)
it 'returns false when a commit message contains forbidden characters (negative regex match)' do
project.create_push_rule(commit_message_negative_regex: "")
expect { access.send(:check_push_access!, "#{start_sha} #{end_sha} refs/heads/master") }.to raise_error(described_class::UnauthorizedError)
it 'returns true for tags' do
project.create_push_rule(commit_message_regex: "")
......@@ -82,6 +82,16 @@ describe PushRule do
describe '#commit_message_blocked?' do
subject(:push_rule) { create(:push_rule, commit_message_negative_regex: 'commit')}
it 'uses multiline regex' do
commit_message = "Some git commit feature\n\nSigned-off-by: Someone"
expect(subject.commit_message_blocked?(commit_message)).to be true
describe '#commit_validation?' do
let(:settings_with_global_default) { %i(reject_unsigned_commits) }
......@@ -118,6 +128,7 @@ describe PushRule do
methods_and_regexes = {
commit_message_allowed?: :commit_message_regex,
commit_message_blocked?: :commit_message_negative_regex,
branch_name_allowed?: :branch_name_regex,
author_email_allowed?: :author_email_regex,
filename_blacklisted?: :file_name_regex
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe MergeRequests::MergeService do
expect(service.hooks_validation_pass?(merge_request)).to be_truthy
context 'commit message validation' do
context 'commit message validation for required characters' do
before do
allow(project).to receive(:push_rule) { build(:push_rule, commit_message_regex: 'unmatched pattern .*') }
......@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ describe MergeRequests::MergeService do
context 'commit message validation for forbidden characters' do
before do
allow(project).to receive(:push_rule) { build(:push_rule, commit_message_negative_regex: '.*') }
it_behaves_like 'hook validations are skipped when push rules unlicensed'
it 'returns false and saves error when invalid' do
expect(service.hooks_validation_pass?(merge_request)).to be_falsey
expect(merge_request.merge_error).not_to be_empty
context 'authors email validation' do
before do
allow(project).to receive(:push_rule) { build(:push_rule, author_email_regex: '.*') }
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