Commit e8474159 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Toggling file-by-file no longer updates the URL

This changes the behaviour of the toggle file-by-file button
to no longer update the URL as its more of a user preference.
Also changes the app to use Vuex instead of eventHub for updating
the state.

parent d5341588
......@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ import {
} from '../constants';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
import { reviewStatuses } from '../utils/file_reviews';
import { diffsApp } from '../utils/performance';
......@@ -332,16 +330,11 @@ export default {
subscribeToEvents() {
notesEventHub.$once('fetchDiffData', this.fetchData);
notesEventHub.$on('refetchDiffData', this.refetchDiffData);
eventHub.$on(EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE, this.fileByFileListener);
unsubscribeFromEvents() {
eventHub.$off(EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE, this.fileByFileListener);
notesEventHub.$off('refetchDiffData', this.refetchDiffData);
notesEventHub.$off('fetchDiffData', this.fetchData);
fileByFileListener({ setting } = {}) {
this.setFileByFile({ fileByFile: setting });
navigateToDiffFileNumber(number) {
this.navigateToDiffFileIndex(number - 1);
import { GlButtonGroup, GlButton, GlDropdown, GlFormCheckbox } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex';
import { EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE } from '../constants';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
import { SETTINGS_DROPDOWN } from '../i18n';
export default {
......@@ -24,9 +21,10 @@ export default {
toggleFileByFile() {
eventHub.$emit(EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE, { setting: !this.viewDiffsFileByFile });
this.setFileByFile({ fileByFile: !this.viewDiffsFileByFile });
......@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ export const RENAMED_DIFF_TRANSITIONS = {
// MR Diffs known events
export const EVT_EXPAND_ALL_FILES = 'mr:diffs:expandAllFiles';
export const EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE = 'mr:diffs:preference:fileByFile';
export const EVT_PERF_MARK_FILE_TREE_START = 'mr:diffs:perf:fileTreeStart';
export const EVT_PERF_MARK_FILE_TREE_END = 'mr:diffs:perf:fileTreeEnd';
export const EVT_PERF_MARK_DIFF_FILES_START = 'mr:diffs:perf:filesStart';
......@@ -741,12 +741,7 @@ export const navigateToDiffFileIndex = ({ commit, state }, index) => {
export const setFileByFile = ({ commit }, { fileByFile }) => {
const fileViewMode = fileByFile ? DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE : DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES;
commit(types.SET_FILE_BY_FILE, fileByFile);
Cookies.set(DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME, fileViewMode);
mergeUrlParams({ [DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME]: fileViewMode }, window.location.href),
export function reviewFile({ commit, state }, { file, reviewed = true }) {
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import { getParameterValues } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
import { DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME, DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE } from '../constants';
export function fileByFile(pref = false) {
const search = getParameterValues(DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME)?.[0];
const cookie = Cookies.get(DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME);
let viewFileByFile = pref;
// use the cookie first, if it exists
if (cookie) {
viewFileByFile = cookie === DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE;
// the search parameter of the URL should override, if it exists
if (search) {
viewFileByFile = search === DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE;
return cookie === DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE;
return viewFileByFile;
return pref;
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ import HiddenFilesWarning from '~/diffs/components/hidden_files_warning.vue';
import NoChanges from '~/diffs/components/no_changes.vue';
import TreeList from '~/diffs/components/tree_list.vue';
import { EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE } from '~/diffs/constants';
import eventHub from '~/diffs/event_hub';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
import createDiffsStore from '../create_diffs_store';
......@@ -699,24 +696,5 @@ describe('diffs/components/app', () => {
describe('control via event stream', () => {
'triggers the action with the new fileByFile setting - $setting - when the event with that setting is received',
async ({ setting }) => {
await nextTick();
eventHub.$emit(EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE, { setting });
await nextTick();
import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import SettingsDropdown from '~/diffs/components/settings_dropdown.vue';
import {
} from '~/diffs/constants';
import { PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE } from '~/diffs/constants';
import eventHub from '~/diffs/event_hub';
import diffModule from '~/diffs/store/modules';
......@@ -48,6 +44,7 @@ describe('Diff settings dropdown component', () => {
setParallelDiffViewType: jest.fn(),
setRenderTreeList: jest.fn(),
setShowWhitespace: jest.fn(),
setFileByFile: jest.fn(),
......@@ -196,12 +193,12 @@ describe('Diff settings dropdown component', () => {
start | emit
start | setting
${true} | ${false}
${false} | ${true}
'when the file by file setting starts as $start, toggling the checkbox should emit an event set to $emit',
async ({ start, emit }) => {
'when the file by file setting starts as $start, toggling the checkbox should call setFileByFile with $setting',
async ({ start, setting }) => {
createComponent((store) => {
Object.assign(store.state.diffs, {
viewDiffsFileByFile: start,
......@@ -214,7 +211,9 @@ describe('Diff settings dropdown component', () => {
await vm.$nextTick();
expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(EVT_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE, { setting: emit });
expect(actions.setFileByFile).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.anything(), {
fileByFile: setting,
......@@ -5,32 +5,25 @@ import {
} from '~/diffs/constants';
import { fileByFile } from '~/diffs/utils/preferences';
import { getParameterValues } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
describe('diffs preferences', () => {
describe('fileByFile', () => {
afterEach(() => {
result | preference | cookie | searchParam
${false} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${undefined}
${true} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${undefined}
${true} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE} | ${undefined}
${false} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES} | ${undefined}
${true} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE]}
${false} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES]}
${true} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE]}
${true} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE]}
${false} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES]}
${false} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE} | ${[DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES]}
result | preference | cookie
${true} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE}
${false} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES}
${true} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE}
${false} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES}
${false} | ${false} | ${DIFF_VIEW_ALL_FILES}
${true} | ${true} | ${DIFF_VIEW_FILE_BY_FILE}
'should return $result when { preference: $preference, cookie: $cookie, search: $searchParam }',
({ result, preference, cookie, searchParam }) => {
if (cookie) {
Cookies.set(DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME, cookie);
'should return $result when { preference: $preference, cookie: $cookie }',
({ result, preference, cookie }) => {
Cookies.set(DIFF_FILE_BY_FILE_COOKIE_NAME, cookie);
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