| **ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to download artifacts running a job |
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| **CHAT_INPUT** | 10.6 | all | Additional arguments passed in the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CHAT_CHANNEL** | 10.6 | all | Source chat channel which triggered the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
>>>>>>> upstream/master
| **CI** | all | 0.4 | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME** | 9.0 | all | The branch or tag name for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG** | 9.0 | all | `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. No leading / trailing `-`. Use in URLs, host names and domain names. |
@@ -570,7 +567,6 @@ Below you can find supported syntax reference:
Pattern matching is case-sensitive by default. Use `i` flag modifier, like
`/pattern/i` to make a pattern case-insensitive.
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### Secret variables with an environment scope
We do support secret variables defined with an environment scope. Given that