@@ -214,9 +214,12 @@ To use SSH with GitLab, copy your public key to your GitLab account.
1. In the **Title** text box, type a description, like _Work Laptop_ or
_Home Workstation_.
1. Optional. In the **Expires at** box, select an expiration date. (Introduced in [GitLab 12.9](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/36243).)
The expiration date is informational only, and does not prevent you from using
the key. However, administrators can view expiration dates and
use them for guidance when [deleting keys](../user/admin_area/credentials_inventory.md#delete-a-users-ssh-key).
- GitLab 13.12 and earlier, the expiration date is informational only. It doesn't prevent
you from using the key. Administrators can view expiration dates and use them for
guidance when [deleting keys](../user/admin_area/credentials_inventory.md#delete-a-users-ssh-key).
- GitLab 14.0 and later, the expiration date is enforced. Administrators can
[allow expired keys to be used](../user/admin_area/settings/account_and_limit_settings.md#allow-expired-ssh-keys-to-be-used).
- GitLab checks all SSH keys at 02:00 AM UTC every day. It emails an expiration notice for all SSH keys that expire on the current date. ([Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/322637) in GitLab 13.11.)
- GitLab checks all SSH keys at 01:00 AM UTC every day. It emails an expiration notice for all SSH keys that are scheduled to expire seven days from now. ([Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/322637) in GitLab 13.11.)