Commit f1606fa1 authored by Simon Knox's avatar Simon Knox

Make Prettier failures prettier

Red heading text so it's easier to scan for error
Instead of "fix manually", give copy-pastable command for each file
parent 4e533563
......@@ -78,10 +78,15 @@ const checkFileWithOptions = (filePath, options) =>
passedCount += 1;
} else {
if (!didWarn) {
// \x1b[31m make text red
// \x1b[1m make text bold
// %s warningMessage
// \x1b[0m reset text color (so logs after aren't red)
const redBoldText = '\x1b[1m\x1b[31;1m%s\x1b[0m';
console.log(redBoldText, warningMessage);
didWarn = true;
console.log(`Prettify Manually : ${filePath}`);
console.log(`yarn prettier --write ${filePath}`);
failedCount += 1;
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