| `SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS` | `spec, test, tests, tmp` | Exclude vulnerabilities from output based on the paths. This is a comma-separated list of patterns. Patterns can be globs, or file or folder paths (for example, `doc,spec` ). Parent directories also match patterns. You might need to exclude temporary directories used by your build tool as these can generate false positives. |
| `SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS` | `spec, test, tests, tmp` | Exclude vulnerabilities from output based on the paths. This is a comma-separated list of patterns. Patterns can be globs, or file or folder paths (for example, `doc,spec`). Parent directories also match patterns. You might need to exclude temporary directories used by your build tool as these can generate false positives. To exclude paths, copy and paste the default excluded paths, then **add** your own paths to be excluded. If you don't specify the default excluded paths, you will override the defaults and _only_ paths you specify will be excluded from the SAST scans. |
| `SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH` | 4 | SAST searches the repository to detect the programming languages used, and selects the matching analyzers. Set the value of `SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH` to specify how many directory levels the search phase should span. After the analyzers have been selected, the _entire_ repository is analyzed. |
| `SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH` | 4 | SAST searches the repository to detect the programming languages used, and selects the matching analyzers. Set the value of `SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH` to specify how many directory levels the search phase should span. After the analyzers have been selected, the _entire_ repository is analyzed. |
| `SAST_BANDIT_EXCLUDED_PATHS` | | Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from scan. Uses Python's [`fnmatch` syntax](https://docs.python.org/2/library/fnmatch.html); For example: `'*/tests/*, */venv/*'` |
| `SAST_BANDIT_EXCLUDED_PATHS` | | Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from scan. Uses Python's [`fnmatch` syntax](https://docs.python.org/2/library/fnmatch.html); For example: `'*/tests/*, */venv/*'` |
| `SAST_BRAKEMAN_LEVEL` | 1 | Ignore Brakeman vulnerabilities under given confidence level. Integer, 1=Low 3=High. |
| `SAST_BRAKEMAN_LEVEL` | 1 | Ignore Brakeman vulnerabilities under given confidence level. Integer, 1=Low 3=High. |