Commit f733e9f1 authored by Jonathan Schafer's avatar Jonathan Schafer

Update tests and docs

parent 1d5ce6dc
......@@ -7320,7 +7320,6 @@ Represents a vulnerability scanner.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----------- |
| `externalId` | [`String`](#string) | External ID of the vulnerability scanner. |
| `id` | [`ID`](#id) | |
| `name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the vulnerability scanner. |
| `reportType` | [`VulnerabilityReportType`](#vulnerabilityreporttype) | Type of the vulnerability report. |
| `vendor` | [`String`](#string) | Vendor of the vulnerability scanner. |
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ RSpec.describe Resolvers::VulnerabilitiesResolver do
context 'when given scanner ID' do
let(:params) { { scanner_id: [high_vulnerability.finding_scanner_id] } }
let(:params) { { scanner_id: [GitlabSchema.id_from_object(high_vulnerability.finding.scanner)] } }
it 'only returns vulnerabilities of the given scanner IDs' do contain_exactly(high_vulnerability)
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