Commit f8e22fa8 authored by Illya Klymov's avatar Illya Klymov Committed by Phil Hughes

Add connect to another instance UI

- add connect to another instance ui
- update UI of group import page to use gitlab-ui
parent c0f74cfd
......@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ class Import::BulkImportsController < ApplicationController
format.json do
render json: { importable_data: serialized_importable_data }
format.html do
@source_url = session[url_key]
= form_with url: configure_import_bulk_imports_path, class: 'group-form gl-show-field-errors' do |f|
= form_errors(@group)
= s_('GroupsNew|Import groups from another instance of GitLab')
= s_('GroupsNew|Provide credentials for another instance of GitLab to import your groups directly.')
= f.label :bulk_import_gitlab_url, s_('GroupsNew|GitLab source URL'), for: 'import_gitlab_url'
= f.text_field :bulk_import_gitlab_url, placeholder: '', class: 'gl-form-input col-xs-12 col-sm-8',
required: true,
title: s_('GroupsNew|Please fill in GitLab source URL.'),
id: 'import_gitlab_url'
= f.label :bulk_import_gitlab_access_token, s_('GroupsNew|Personal access token'), for: 'import_gitlab_token'
- pat_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/profile/personal_access_tokens') }
= s_('GroupsNew|Navigate to user settings to find your %{link_start}personal access token%{link_end}.').html_safe % { link_start: pat_link_start, link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= f.text_field :bulk_import_gitlab_access_token, placeholder: s_('GroupsNew|e.g. h8d3f016698e...'), class: 'gl-form-input gl-mt-3 col-xs-12 col-sm-8',
required: true,
title: s_('GroupsNew|Please fill in your personal access token.'),
id: 'import_gitlab_token'
= f.submit s_('GroupsNew|Connect instance'), class: 'btn gl-button btn-success'
......@@ -5,18 +5,22 @@
= form_with url: import_gitlab_group_path, class: 'group-form gl-show-field-errors', multipart: true do |f|
= form_errors(@group)
= f.label :name, _('Group name'), class: 'label-bold'
= f.text_field :name, placeholder: s_('GroupsNew|My Awesome Group'), class: 'js-autofill-group-name form-control input-lg',
= _('Import group from file')
= s_('GroupsNew|Provide credentials for another instance of GitLab to import your groups directly.')
= f.label :name, _('New group name'), for: 'import_group_name'
= f.text_field :name, placeholder: s_('GroupsNew|My Awesome Group'), class: 'js-autofill-group-name gl-form-input col-xs-12 col-sm-8',
required: true,
title: _('Please fill in a descriptive name for your group.'),
autofocus: true
autofocus: true,
id: 'import_group_name'
= f.label :path, _('Group URL'), class: 'label-bold'
= f.label :import_group_path, _('New group URL'), for: 'import_group_path'
.group-root-path.input-group-prepend.has-tooltip{ title: group_path, :'data-placement' => 'bottom' }
......@@ -35,18 +39,12 @@ _('Group path is available.') _('Checking group path availability...')
= s_('GroupsNew|To copy a GitLab group between installations, navigate to the group settings page for the original installation, generate an export file, and upload it here.')
= f.label :file, s_('GroupsNew|Import a GitLab group export file'), class: 'label-bold'
= render 'shared/file_picker_button', f: f, field: :file, help_text: nil
= f.submit s_('GroupsNew|Import group'), class: 'btn btn-success'
= link_to _('Cancel'), new_group_path, class: 'btn btn-cancel'
= f.label :file, s_('GroupsNew|Upload file')
- import_export_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/group/settings/import_export') }
= s_('GroupsNew|To import a group, navigate to the group settings for the GitLab source instance, %{link_start}generate an export file%{link_end}, and upload it here.').html_safe % { link_start: import_export_link_start, link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= render 'shared/file_picker_button', f: f, field: :file, help_text: nil, classes: 'gl-button btn-success-secondary gl-mr-2'
= f.submit _('Import'), class: 'btn gl-button btn-success'
......@@ -31,14 +31,17 @@
%span.d-none.d-sm-block= s_('GroupsNew|Import group')
%span.d-block.d-sm-none= s_('GroupsNew|Import')
.tab-pane.js-toggle-container{ id: 'create-group-pane', class: active_when(active_tab == 'create'), role: 'tabpanel' }
= form_for @group, html: { class: 'group-form gl-show-field-errors' } do |f|
= render 'new_group_fields', f: f, group_name_id: 'create-group-name'
.tab-pane.js-toggle-container{ id: 'import-group-pane', class: active_when(active_tab) == 'import', role: 'tabpanel' }{ id: 'import-group-pane', class: active_when(active_tab) == 'import', role: 'tabpanel' }
- if import_sources_enabled?
= render 'import_group_pane', active_tab: active_tab, autofocus: true
- if Feature.enabled?(:bulk_import)
= render 'import_group_from_another_instance_panel'
= render 'import_group_from_file_panel'
- else
%h4= s_('GroupsNew|No import options available')
- page_title 'Bulk Import'
- add_to_breadcrumbs 'New group', admin_users_path
- add_page_specific_style 'page_bundles/import'
- breadcrumb_title _('Import groups')
= s_('ImportGroups|Import groups from GitLab')
= s_('ImportGroups|Importing groups from %{link}').html_safe % { link: external_link(@source_url, @source_url) }
- classes = local_assigns.fetch(:classes, '')
%button.btn.js-filepicker-button{ type: 'button' }= _("Choose file…")
%button.btn.js-filepicker-button{ type: 'button', class: classes }= _("Choose file…")
%span.file_name.js-filepicker-filename= _("No file chosen")
= f.file_field field, class: "js-filepicker-input hidden"
- if help_text.present?
......@@ -13880,6 +13880,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsEmptyState|You can manage your group member’s permissions and access to each project in the group."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Connect instance"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Contact an administrator to enable options for importing your group."
msgstr ""
......@@ -13889,22 +13892,46 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Create group"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Import"
msgid "GroupsNew|GitLab source URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Import a GitLab group export file"
msgid "GroupsNew|Import"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Import group"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Import groups from another instance of GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|My Awesome Group"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Navigate to user settings to find your %{link_start}personal access token%{link_end}."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|No import options available"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|To copy a GitLab group between installations, navigate to the group settings page for the original installation, generate an export file, and upload it here."
msgid "GroupsNew|Personal access token"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Please fill in GitLab source URL."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Please fill in your personal access token."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Provide credentials for another instance of GitLab to import your groups directly."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|To import a group, navigate to the group settings for the GitLab source instance, %{link_start}generate an export file%{link_end}, and upload it here."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|Upload file"
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsNew|e.g. h8d3f016698e..."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupsTree|Are you sure you want to leave the \"%{fullName}\" group?"
......@@ -14371,6 +14398,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Jira"
msgstr ""
msgid "Import group from file"
msgstr ""
msgid "Import groups"
msgstr ""
msgid "Import in progress"
msgstr ""
......@@ -14440,6 +14473,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ImportButtons|Connect repositories from"
msgstr ""
msgid "ImportGroups|Import groups from GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "ImportGroups|Importing groups from %{link}"
msgstr ""
msgid "ImportProjects|%{provider} rate limit exceeded. Try again later"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18563,6 +18602,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "New group"
msgstr ""
msgid "New group URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "New group name"
msgstr ""
msgid "New health check access token has been generated!"
msgstr ""
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Import/Export - Connect to another instance', :js do
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) }
before_all do
before do
visit new_group_path
context 'when the user provides valid credentials' do
it 'successfully connects to remote instance' do
source_url = ''
pat = 'demo-pat'
expect(page).to have_content 'Import groups from another instance of GitLab'
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_url, with: source_url
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_access_token, with: pat
click_on 'Connect instance'
expect(page).to have_content 'Importing groups from %{url}' % { url: source_url }
context 'when the user provides invalid url' do
it 'reports an error' do
source_url = 'invalid-url'
pat = 'demo-pat'
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_url, with: source_url
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_access_token, with: pat
click_on 'Connect instance'
expect(page).to have_content 'Specified URL cannot be used'
context 'when the user does not fill in source URL' do
it 'reports an error' do
pat = 'demo-pat'
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_access_token, with: pat
click_on 'Connect instance'
expect(page).to have_content 'Please fill in GitLab source URL'
context 'when the user does not fill in access token' do
it 'reports an error' do
source_url = ''
fill_in :bulk_import_gitlab_url, with: source_url
click_on 'Connect instance'
expect(page).to have_content 'Please fill in your personal access token'
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ RSpec.describe 'Import/Export - Group Import', :js do
fill_in :group_name, with: group_name
expect(page).to have_content 'Import a GitLab group export file'
expect(page).to have_content 'Import group from file'
attach_file(file) do
expect { click_on 'Import group' }.to change { Group.count }.by 1
expect { click_on 'Import' }.to change { Group.count }.by 1
group = Group.find_by(name: group_name)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Import/Export - Group Import', :js do
expect { click_on 'Import group' }.to change { Group.count }.by 1
expect { click_on 'Import' }.to change { Group.count }.by 1
group = Group.find_by(name: 'Test Group Import')
expect(group.path).to eq 'custom-path'
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Import/Export - Group Import', :js do
expect { click_on 'Import group' }.not_to change { Group.count }
expect { click_on 'Import' }.not_to change { Group.count }
page.within('.flash-container') do
expect(page).to have_content('Unable to process group import file')
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ afterEach(() =>
initializeTestTimeout(process.env.CI ? 6000 : 500);
initializeTestTimeout(process.env.CI ? 6000 : 5000);
Vue.config.devtools = false;
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
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