Commit fca1ffb8 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Bootstrap: Issues, Merge Requests, SSH Key completed

parent 20721eff
/* Buttons */
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......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ $blue_link: "#2fa0bb";
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img.lil_av {
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top: 3px;
.media-grid {
h3, h2 , h4 {
&.media_h {
......@@ -176,14 +183,6 @@ img.avatar {
@import "notes.css.scss";
@import "login.scss";
//@import "style.scss";
//@import "commits.css.scss";
//@import "dashboard.scss";
//@import "tags.scss";
//@import "buttons.scss";
@import "highlight.css.scss";
@import "";
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body.application .news-feed .project-updates {
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a.project-update span.update-title, .application .news-feed .project-updates li a span.update-author{display: block;}
a.project-update span.update-title{margin-bottom: 10px}
a.project-update span.update-author{color: #999; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;}
a.project-update span.update-author strong{font-weight: bold; font-style: normal;}
/* eo Dashboard Page */
This diff is collapsed.
.tag {
@include round-borders-all(4px);
padding:2px 4px;
&.inline {
&.high, &.closed {
background: #D12F19;
&.today, &.open {
background: #44aa22;
&.yours {
background: #4466cc;
&.normal {
background: #2c5ca6;
&.notes {
background: #2c5c66;
&.note {
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background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#fefefe 7.6%, #F6F7F8);
color: #777;
border: 1px solid #DEDFE1;
&.issue {
background: #D12F19;
&.commit {
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 26, color-stop(0.076, #fefefe), to(#F6F7F8));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#fefefe 7.6%, #F6F7F8);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#fefefe 7.6%, #F6F7F8);
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......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ body header {
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background: transparent url('images.png') no-repeat 8px -42px;
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width: 260px;
......@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ class Admin::ProjectsController < ApplicationController
def update
@admin_project = Project.find_by_code(params[:id])
owner_id = params[:project][:owner_id]
if owner_id
@admin_project.owner = User.find(owner_id)
if @admin_project.update_attributes(params[:project])
redirect_to [:admin, @admin_project], notice: 'Project was successfully updated.'
class KeysController < ApplicationController
layout "profile"
respond_to :js
respond_to :js, :html
def index
@keys = current_user.keys.all
......@@ -6,28 +6,24 @@
- @admin_project.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :name
= f.text_field :name
.input= f.text_field :name
= f.label :code
= f.text_field :code
.input= f.text_field :code
= f.label :path
= f.text_field :path
.input= f.text_field :path
= f.label :tag_list
= f.text_area :tag_list, :placeholder => "project tags", :style => "height:50px", :id => :tag_field
- unless @admin_project.new_record?
= f.label :owner_id
.input= :owner_id, { |user| [,] }
= f.label :description
= f.text_area :description
.input= f.text_area :description
......@@ -36,4 +32,5 @@
......@@ -2,48 +2,41 @@
= form_for [:admin, @admin_user] do |f|
-if @admin_user.errors.any?
%h2= "#{pluralize(@admin_user.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this admin_user from being saved:"
- @admin_user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :name
= f.text_field :name
.input= f.text_field :name
= f.label :email
= f.text_field :email
.input= f.text_field :email
= f.label :password
= f.password_field :password
.input= f.password_field :password
= f.label :password_confirmation
= f.password_field :password_confirmation
.input= f.password_field :password_confirmation
= f.check_box :admin
= f.label :admin
= f.text_field :projects_limit, :class => "small_input"
= f.label :projects_limit
.input= f.text_field :projects_limit, :class => "small_input"
= f.label :skype
= f.text_field :skype
.input= f.text_field :skype
= f.label :linkedin
= f.text_field :linkedin
.input= f.text_field :linkedin
= f.label :twitter
= f.text_field :twitter
.input= f.text_field :twitter
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn"
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn primary"
= link_to 'Cancel', admin_users_path, :class => "btn"
%h1 New user
%h2 New user
= render 'form'
= link_to 'Back', admin_users_path, :class => ""
......@@ -29,5 +29,9 @@
CommitsList.init("#{@ref}", 20);
......@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
Issue #
Merge Request #
= truncate merge_request.title, :length => 50
%li.wll{ :id => dom_id(issue), :class => "issue #{issue.critical ? "critical" : ""}", :url => project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) }
= image_tag gravatar_icon(issue.author_email), :class => "avatar"
= image_tag gravatar_icon(issue.assignee_email), :class => "avatar"
assigned to
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id(issue.author_id)), :class => "author_link" do
= issue.author_name
= time_ago_in_words(issue.created_at)
= issue.assignee_name
- if issue.critical
%span.label.important critical
- if
- if current_user.private_token
= content_for :rss_icon do
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :atom, { :private_token => current_user.private_token }) do
= image_tag "Rss-UI.PNG", :width => 22, :title => "feed"
= link_to project_issues_path(@project, :atom, { :private_token => current_user.private_token }) do
= image_tag "Rss-UI.PNG", :width => 22, :title => "feed"
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, @project
= link_to new_project_issue_path(@project), :class => "right btn small", :title => "New Issue", :remote => true do
New Issue
$('#issues-table tbody').html("#{escape_javascript(render('issues'))}");
Issue ##{}
created at
= @issue.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011")
- if can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project) || == current_user
......@@ -20,21 +23,18 @@
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@issue.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @issue.author_name
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @issue.assignee_name
.cgray= @issue.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011 9:23pm")
%cite.cgray Created by
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@issue.author_email), :width => 16, :class => "lil_av"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @issue.author_name
%cite.cgray and currently assigned to
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@issue.assignee_email), :width => 16, :class => "lil_av"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @issue.assignee_name
%div= simple_format @issue.title
= form_for @key, :remote => true do |f|
= form_for @key do |f|
-if @key.errors.any?
- @key.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
- @key.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title, :style => "width:300px"
.input= f.text_field :title
= f.label :key
= f.text_area :key, :style => "width:300px; height:130px"
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "grey-button"
.input= f.text_area :key, :class => "xlarge"
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "primary btn"
= link_to "Cancel", keys_path, :class => "btn"
%a.update-item{:href => key_path(key)}
= key.title
= time_ago_in_words(key.created_at)
= link_to key_path(key) do
%strong= key.title
= time_ago_in_words(key.created_at)
SSH Keys
= link_to "Add new", new_key_path, :remote => true, :class => "grey-button"
= link_to "Add new", new_key_path, :class => "btn small right"
%div#keys-table{ :class => "update-data ui-box ui-box-small ui-box-big" }
- @keys.each do |key|
= render(:partial => 'show', :locals => {:key => key})
$('.delete-key').live('ajax:success', function() {
$(this).closest('.update-item').fadeOut(); });
%h1 New key
%h3 New key
= render 'form'
= link_to 'Back', keys_path
%h3= @key.title
%pre= @key.key
= link_to 'Remove', @key, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => "red-button delete-key right"
%h3= @key.title
%pre= @key.key
= link_to 'Remove', @key, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => "btn danger delete-key"
......@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
= truncate, :length => 28
%input.git-url.text{:id => "", :name => "", :readonly => "", :type => "text", :value => @project.url_to_repo, :class => "one_click_select"}
-#- if @project.repo_exists?
.left{:style => "margin-left:5px;"}
= render :partial => "projects/refs", :locals => { :destination => controller.controller_name == "commits" ? "commits" : "tree" }
= yield :rss_icon
......@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
- if @project.repo_exists?
= link_to "Repository", project_repository_path(@project), :class => repository_tab_class
= link_to "Tree", tree_project_ref_path(@project, @project.root_ref), :class => tree_tab_class
= link_to "Code", tree_project_ref_path(@project, @project.root_ref), :class => tree_tab_class
= link_to "Commits", project_commits_path(@project), :class => (controller.controller_name == "commits") ? "current" : nil
= link_to "Network", graph_project_path(@project), :class => current_page?(:controller => "projects", :action => "graph", :id => @project) ? "current" : nil
= link_to project_issues_filter_path(@project), :class => (controller.controller_name == "issues") ? "current" : nil do
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project), :class => (controller.controller_name == "merge_requests") ? "current" : nil do
Merge Requests
= link_to wall_project_path(@project), :class => current_page?(:controller => "projects", :action => "wall", :id => @project) ? "current" : nil do
- if > 0
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project), :class => (controller.controller_name == "merge_requests") ? "current" : nil do
......@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@
= render :partial => "layouts/head_panel"
= link_to "Profile", profile_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :show) ? "current" : nil
= link_to "Password & token", profile_password_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :password) ? "current" : nil
= link_to "Design", profile_design_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :design) ? "current" : nil
= link_to keys_path, :class => controller.controller_name == "keys" ? "current" : nil do
- unless current_user.keys.empty?
%span{ :class => "number" }= current_user.keys.count
.content= yield
= link_to "Profile", profile_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :show) ? "current" : nil
= link_to "Password & token", profile_password_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :password) ? "current" : nil
= link_to "Design", profile_design_path, :class => current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :design) ? "current" : nil
= link_to keys_path, :class => controller.controller_name == "keys" ? "current" : nil do
- unless current_user.keys.empty?
%span.label= current_user.keys.count
.span10= yield
.span4= render "layouts/projects_side"
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
%span.label= @merge_request.target_branch
created at
= @merge_request.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011")
- if can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project) || == current_user
- if @merge_request.closed
......@@ -24,19 +28,17 @@
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@merge_request.author_email), :class => "left", :width => 40, :style => "padding-right:5px;"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @merge_request.author_name
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @merge_request.assignee_name
.cgray= @merge_request.created_at.stamp("Aug 21, 2011 9:23pm")
%cite.cgray Created by
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@merge_request.author_email), :width => 16, :class => "lil_av"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @merge_request.author_name
%cite.cgray and currently assigned to
= image_tag gravatar_icon(@merge_request.assignee_email), :width => 16, :class => "lil_av"
= link_to project_team_member_path(@project, @project.team_member_by_id( do @merge_request.assignee_name
%div= simple_format @merge_request.title
......@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@
%img{:src => "/assets/ajax-loader-facebook.gif", :class => "dashboard-loader"}
.issue_notes= render "notes/notes"
.merge_request_notes= render "notes/notes"
.loading{ :style => "display:none;"}
%center= image_tag "ajax-loader.gif"
%h3 Design
= form_for @user, :url => profile_update_path, :method => :put do |f|
%label{:for => "user_dark_scheme_false"}
= image_tag "white.png", :width => 310, :height => 212
= f.radio_button :dark_scheme, false
White code preview
%label{:for => "user_dark_scheme_true"}
= image_tag "dark.png", :width => 310, :height => 212
= f.radio_button :dark_scheme, true
Dark code preview
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn"
%h3 Design
= form_for @user, :url => profile_update_path, :method => :put do |f|
%label.span4{:for => "user_dark_scheme_false"}
= image_tag "white.png", :width => 210
= f.radio_button :dark_scheme, false
White code preview
%label.span4{:for => "user_dark_scheme_true"}
= image_tag "dark.png", :width => 210
= f.radio_button :dark_scheme, true
Dark code preview
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn"
%h3 Password
= form_for @user, :url => profile_password_path, :method => :put do |f|
%p After successfull password update you will be redirected to login page where you should login with new password
-if @user.errors.any?
- @user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
%h3 Password
= form_for @user, :url => profile_password_path, :method => :put do |f|
%p After successfull password update you will be redirected to login page where you should login with new password
-if @user.errors.any?
- @user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :password
= f.password_field :password
= f.label :password_confirmation
= f.password_field :password_confirmation
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn"
Private token
keep it in secret!
= form_for @user, :url => profile_reset_private_token_path, :method => :put do |f|
%p Private token used to access application resources without authentication.
%p For example its required to access commits feed.
- if current_user.private_token
= text_field_tag "token", current_user.private_token
- else
You don`t have one yet. Click generate to fix it.
= f.label :password
.input= f.password_field :password
= f.label :password_confirmation
.input= f.password_field :password_confirmation
= f.submit 'Save', :class => "btn"
Private token
keep it in secret!
= form_for @user, :url => profile_reset_private_token_path, :method => :put do |f|
%p Private token used to access application resources without authentication.
%p For example its required to access commits feed.
- if current_user.private_token
= f.submit 'Reset', :confirm => "Are you sure?", :class => "grey-button"
= text_field_tag "token", current_user.private_token
- else
= f.submit 'Generate', :class => "btn"
You don`t have one yet. Click generate to fix it.
- if current_user.private_token
= f.submit 'Reset', :confirm => "Are you sure?", :class => "btn"
- else
= f.submit 'Generate', :class => "btn"
= link_to "#" do
= image_tag gravatar_icon(, 90), :class => "thumbnail"
= form_for @user, :url => profile_update_path, :method => :put do |f|
-if @user.errors.any?
......@@ -34,14 +34,7 @@ describe "User MergeRequests" do
it { should have_content(@merge_request1.title[0..10]) }
it { should have_content( }
it { should have_content(@merge_request1.target_branch) }
it { should have_content(@merge_request1.source_branch) }
it { should have_content( }
it { should have_content(@merge_request2.title[0..10]) }
it { should have_content( }
it { should have_content(@merge_request2.target_branch) }
it { should have_content(@merge_request2.source_branch) }
it { should have_content( }
......@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ describe "Issues" do
# admin access to remove issue
project.add_access(@user, :read, :write, :admin)
visit project_issues_path(project)
visit edit_project_issue_path(project, @issue)
it "should remove entry" do
expect {
click_link "destroy_issue_#{}"
click_link "Remove"
}.to change { Issue.count }.by(-1)
describe "statuses", :js => true do
describe "statuses" do
before do
@closed_issue = Factory :issue,
:author => @user,
......@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ describe "Issues" do
it "should show only closed" do
choose "closed_issues"
click_link "Closed"
should have_no_content(@issue.title)
should have_content(@closed_issue.title[0..25])
it "should show all" do
choose "all_issues"
click_link "All"
should have_content(@issue.title[0..25])
should have_content(@closed_issue.title[0..25])
......@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ describe "Issues" do
:assignee => @user,
:project => project
visit project_issues_path(project)
page.execute_script("$('.action-links').css('display', 'block');")
click_link "Edit"
......@@ -200,7 +199,6 @@ describe "Issues" do
it "should update issue fields" do
click_button "Save"
page.should_not have_content("Issue ##{}")
page.should have_content
page.should have_content "bug 345"
page.should have_content
......@@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ describe "Issues" do
visit project_issues_path(project)
choose 'closed_issues'
click_link 'Closed'
fill_in 'issue_search', :with => 'foobar'
page.should have_content 'foobar'
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ describe "Projects" do
describe "GET /projects" do
before do
@project = Factory :project
@project = Factory :project, :owner => @user
@project.add_access(@user, :read)
visit projects_path
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe "Projects" do
it "should have link to new project" do
page.should have_content("Create new project")
page.should have_content("New Project")
it "should have project" do
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe "Projects" do
describe "GET /projects/new" do
before do
visit projects_path
click_link "Create new project"
click_link "New Project"
it "should be correct path" do
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ describe "Projects" do
describe "GET /projects/show" do
before do
@project = Factory :project
@project = Factory :project, :owner => @user
@project.add_access(@user, :read)
visit project_path(@project)
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ describe "Projects" do
describe "PUT /projects/:id" do
before do
@project = Factory :project
@project = Factory :project, :owner => @user
@project.add_access(@user, :admin, :read)
visit edit_project_path(@project)
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