Commit fed1dac9 authored by Dylan Griffith's avatar Dylan Griffith Committed by Bob Van Landuyt

Fix search by IID reveals private data

parent 3860a49b
title: Limit search for IID to a type to avoid leaking records with the same IID that
the user does not have access to
type: security
......@@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ module Elastic
query: {
bool: {
filter: [{ term: { iid: iid } }]
filter: [
{ term: { iid: iid } },
{ term: { type: self.es_type } }
......@@ -75,6 +75,28 @@ describe Issue, :elastic do
expect(described_class.elastic_search('bla-bla', options: { project_ids: :any, public_and_internal_projects: true }).total_count).to eq(3)
it "searches by iid and scopes to type: issue only" do
issue = nil
Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do
issue = create :issue, title: 'bla-bla issue', project: project
create :issue, description: 'term2 in description', project: project
# MergeRequest with the same iid should not be found in Issue search
create :merge_request, title: 'bla-bla', source_project: project, iid: issue.iid
# User needs to be admin or the MergeRequest would just be filtered by
# confidential: false
options = { project_ids: [], current_user: admin }
results = described_class.elastic_search("##{issue.iid}", options: options)
expect(results.total_count).to eq(1)
expect(results.first.title).to eq('bla-bla issue')
it "returns json with all needed elements" do
assignee = create(:user)
issue = create :issue, project: project, assignees: [assignee]
......@@ -40,6 +40,27 @@ describe MergeRequest, :elastic do
expect(described_class.elastic_search('term3', options: { project_ids: :any, public_and_internal_projects: true }).total_count).to eq(1)
it "searches by iid and scopes to type: merge_request only" do
project = create :project, :public, :repository
merge_request = nil
Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do
merge_request = create :merge_request, title: 'bla-bla merge request', source_project: project
create :merge_request, description: 'term2 in description', source_project: project, target_branch: "feature2"
# Issue with the same iid should not be found in MergeRequest search
create :issue, project: project, iid: merge_request.iid
options = { project_ids: [] }
results = described_class.elastic_search("!#{merge_request.iid}", options: options)
expect(results.total_count).to eq(1)
expect(results.first.title).to eq('bla-bla merge request')
it "returns json with all needed elements" do
merge_request = create :merge_request
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