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  1. 05 Jun, 2019 1 commit
    • Patrick Bajao's avatar
      Use Redis for CacheMarkDownField on non AR models · 2eecfd8f
      Patrick Bajao authored
      This allows using `CacheMarkdownField` for models that are not backed
      by ActiveRecord.
      When the including class inherits `ActiveRecord::Base` we include
      `Gitlab::MarkdownCache::ActiveRecord::Extension`. This will cause the
      markdown fields to be rendered and the generated HTML stored in a
      `<field>_html` attribute on the record. We also store the version
      used for generating the markdown.
      All other classes that include this model will include the
      `Gitlab::MarkdownCache::Redis::Extension`. This add the `<field>_html`
      attributes to that model and will generate the html in them. The
      generated HTML will be cached in redis under the key
      `markdown_cache:<class>:<id>`. The class this included in must
      therefore respond to `id`.