1. 26 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  2. 23 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  3. 13 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  4. 24 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  5. 17 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  6. 10 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  7. 25 Feb, 2021 1 commit
    • Alex Kalderimis's avatar
      Enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers by default · 04b3cd95
      Alex Kalderimis authored
      We bring this cop into the main config, and set a lower threshold.
      Some files are excluded (migration specs, which we don't want to touch),
      others are fixed, and some have explicit disablements.
      The threshold of 28 is chosen as it accounts for the vast majority of
      our usage. We should aim to bring this down to 20, and eventually closer
      to 10.
      Note that at present let_it_be is not counted.
  8. 22 Feb, 2021 1 commit
  9. 19 Feb, 2021 2 commits
  10. 20 Jan, 2021 2 commits
    • Albert Salim's avatar
      Remove conditional require lines · 4ec103c6
      Albert Salim authored
      These were added because of Rails eagerload.
      These files are now moved out of Rails eagerload path,
      so the conditionals are not necessary.
    • Markus Koller's avatar
      Remove custom Danger check for frozen_string_literal comments · 944ff4a6
      Markus Koller authored
      This is redundant with Rubocop's Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment cop,
      which we didn't have enabled when this was introduced.
      To preserve the same behaviour we also:
      - Switch to `EnforcedStyle: always_true`, to forbid `false` values.
      - Replace the wildcard list with an explicit list of all violations,
        so we still catch all newly added files.
  11. 08 Jan, 2021 1 commit
  12. 06 Jan, 2021 1 commit
  13. 14 Dec, 2020 3 commits
  14. 11 Dec, 2020 1 commit
    • Luke Duncalfe's avatar
      GraphQL enforce `.` at end of description strings · bafa1efc
      Luke Duncalfe authored
      Previously our GraphQL styleguide stated that description strings should
      not end in periods. Descriptions provided by `ruby-graphql` objects all
      do end in periods, so our overall API is inconsistent in how it presents
      its schema descriptions.
      This change switches our description styleguide to recommend that we add
      periods to the end of description strings.
      It also adds to the existing `GraphQL/Descriptions` cop to enforce this
      which can auto-correct offenses.
  15. 30 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  16. 23 Nov, 2020 1 commit
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Script a rubocop corrector using a data file · 2419da27
      Thong Kuah authored
      We generate the data file using ruby-warnings
      Adds rubocop:
      - Only match if method name matches, not just line number
      - Match only file path from root so that files from other machines work
      Adds autocorrection
      - Add autocorrection by inserting ** before.
      - Special correction case for literal hash args
      Mark cop as unsafe as relies on data source
      Fix correction from splat type to double splat
  17. 12 Nov, 2020 1 commit
    • Alex Kalderimis's avatar
      Add a rule to enforce resolver type annotations · 1b25a61b
      Alex Kalderimis authored
      This new rubocop rule enforces that all resolvers declare their type.
      This is important for several reasons:
      - developers can read a resolver and know what it does, by understanding
        what it is meant to return.
      - we can enable better testing of resolvers, by creating fields from
        resolvers using `Resolver.field_options`.
      - Resolvers become the SSOT for field metadata, enabling us to eliminate
        repetition and boilerplate.
  18. 05 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  19. 03 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  20. 19 Oct, 2020 2 commits
  21. 14 Oct, 2020 2 commits
  22. 09 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  23. 07 Oct, 2020 2 commits
  24. 11 Sep, 2020 2 commits
  25. 04 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  26. 03 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  27. 27 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • pbair's avatar
      Add cop to so indexes are to referred by name · 2cecd444
      pbair authored
      Add a new cop that checks that index operations in migrations like
      remove_index, remove_concurrent_index, and index_exists? use an explicit
      index name rather than relying on rails behavior to infer the index name
      from the index definition.
  28. 24 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  29. 21 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  30. 17 Aug, 2020 3 commits