• Vadim Pasternak's avatar
    platform/mellanox: mlxreg-hotplug: add extra cycle for hotplug work queue · 4b5e32df
    Vadim Pasternak authored
    Add extra cycle for hotplug work queue to handle the case when a signal is
    It adds missed logic for signal acknowledge, by adding an extra run for
    received, but no specific signal assertion is detected. Such case
    theoretically can happen for example in case several units are removed or
    inserted at the same time. In this situation acknowledge for some signal
    can be missed at signal top aggreagation status level. The extra run will
    allow to handler to acknowledge the missed signal.
    The interrupt handling flow performs the next steps:
    Enter mlxreg_hotplug_work_handler due to signal assertion.
    Aggregation status register is changed for example from 0xff to 0xfd
    (event signal group related to bit 1).
    Mask aggregation interrupts, read aggregation status register and save it
    (0xfd) in aggr_cache, then traverse down to handle signal from groups
    related to the changed bit.
    Read and mask group related signal.
    Acknowledge and unmask group related signal (acknowledge should clear
    aggregation status register from 0xfd back to 0xff).
    Re-schedule work queue for the immediate execution.
    Enter mlxreg_hotplug_work_handler due to re-scheduling.
    Aggregation status is changed from previous 0xfd to 0xff.
    Go over steps (2) - (5) and in case no new signal assertion
    is detected - unmask aggregation interrupts.
    The possible race could happen in case new signal from the same group is
    asserted after step (3) and prior step (5). In such case aggregation
    status will change back from 0xff to 0xfd and the value read from the
    aggregation status register will be the same as a value saved in
    aggr_cache. As a result the handler will not traverse down and signal
    will stay unhandled.
    Example of faulty flow:
    The signal routing flow is as following (f.e. for of FANi removing):
     - FAN status and event registers related bit is changed;
     -- intermediate aggregation status register is changed;
     --- top aggregation status register is changed;
     ---- interrupt routed to CPU and interrupt handler is invoked.
    When interrupt handler is invoked it follows the next simple logic (f.e
    FAN3 is removed):
     (a1) mask top aggregation interrupt mask register;
     (a2) read top aggregation interrupt status register and test to which
          underling group belongs a signal (FANs in this case and is changed
    	  from 0xff to 0xfb and 0xfb is saved as a last status value);
       (b1) mask FANs interrupt mask register;
       (b2) read FANs status register and test which FAN has been changed
            FAN3 in this example);
         (c1) perform relevant action;
                  <--------------- (FAN2 is removed at this point)
       (b3) clear FANs interrupt event register to acknowledge FAN3 signal;
       (b4) unmask FANs interrupt mask register
     (a3) unmask top aggregation interrupt mask register;
     An interrupt handler is invoked, since FAN2 interrupt is not acknowledge.
     It should set top aggregation interrupt status register bit 6 (0xfb).
     In step (a2)
     (a2) read top aggregation interrupt and comparing it with saved value
          does not show change (same 0xfb) and after (a2) execution jumps to
    	  (a3) and signal leaved unhandled
    The fix will enforce handler to traverse down in case the signal is
    received, but signal assertion is not detected.
    Fixes: 30488704 ("platform/x86: Introduce support for Mellanox hotplug driver")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVadim Pasternak <vadimp@mellanox.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDarren Hart (VMware) <dvhart@infradead.org>
mlxreg-hotplug.c 18.4 KB