• Jaegeuk Kim's avatar
    f2fs: reclaim prefree segments periodically · 81eb8d6e
    Jaegeuk Kim authored
    Previously, f2fs postpones reclaiming prefree segments into free segments
    as much as possible.
    However, if user writes and deletes a bunch of data without any sync or fsync
    calls, some flash storages can suffer from garbage collections.
    So, this patch adds the reclaiming codes to f2fs_write_node_pages and background
    GC thread.
    If there are a lot of prefree segments, let's do checkpoint so that f2fs
    submits discard commands for the prefree regions to the flash storage.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChangman Lee <cm224.lee@samsung.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJaegeuk Kim <jaegeuk.kim@samsung.com>
segment.c 45.8 KB