• Adrian Huang's avatar
    rtc: cmos: Cancel alarm timer if alarm time is equal to now+1 seconds · 88b8d33b
    Adrian Huang authored
    Steps to reproduce the problem:
    	1) Enable RTC wake-up option in BIOS Setup
    	2) Issue one of these commands in the OS: "poweroff"
    	   or "shutdown -h now"
    	3) System will shut down and then reboot automatically
    Root-cause of the issue:
    	1) During the shutdown process, the hwclock utility is used
    	   to save the system clock to hardware clock (RTC).
    	2) The hwclock utility invokes ioctl() with RTC_UIE_ON. The
    	   kernel configures the RTC alarm for the periodic interrupt
    	   (every 1 second).
    	3) The hwclock uitlity closes the /dev/rtc0 device, and the
    	   kernel disables the RTC alarm irq (AIE bit of Register B)
    	   via ioctl() with RTC_UIE_OFF. But, the configured alarm
    	   time is the current_time + 1.
    	4) After the next 1 second is elapsed, the AF (alarm
    	   interrupt flag) of Register C is set.
    	5) The S5 handler in BIOS is invoked to configure alarm
    	   registers (enable AIE bit and configure alarm date/time).
    	   But, BIOS does not clear the previous interrupt status
    	   during alarm configuration. Therefore, "AF=AIE=1" causes
    	   the rtc device to trigger an interrupt.
    	6) So, the machine reboots automatically right after shutdown.
    This patch cancels the alarm timer if the following condictions are
    met (suggested by Alexandre):
    	1) The configured alarm time is equal to current_time + 1
    	2) The AIE timer is not in use.
    The member 'alarm_expires' is introduced in struct cmos_rtc because
    of the following reasons:
    	1) The configured alarm time can be retrieved from
    	   cmos_read_alarm(), but we need to take the 'wrapped
    	   timestamp' and 'time rollover' into consideration. The
    	   function __rtc_read_alarm() eliminates the concerns. To
    	   avoid the duplicated code in the lower level RTC driver,
    	   invoking __rtc_read_alarm from the lower level RTC driver
    	   is not encouraged. Moreover, the compilation error 'the
    	   undefined __rtc_read_alarm" is observed if the lower level
    	   RTC driver is compiled as a kernel module.
    	2) The uie_rtctimer.node.expires and aie_timer.node.expires can
    	   be retrieved for the configured alarm time. But, the problem
    	   is that either of them might configure the CMOS alarm time.
    	   We cannot make sure UIE timer or AIE tiemr configured the
    	   CMOS alarm time before. (uie_rtctimer or aie_timer is enabled
    	   and then is disabled).
    	3) The patch introduces the member 'alarm_expires' to keep the
    	   newly configured alarm time, so the above-mentioned concerns
    	   can be eliminated.
    The issue goes away after 20-time shutdown tests.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAdrian Huang <ahuang12@lenovo.com>
    Tested-by: default avatarEgbert Eich <eich@suse.de>
    Tested-by: default avatarDiego Ercolani <diego.ercolani@gmail.com>
    Cc: Borislav Petkov <bp@suse.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandre Belloni <alexandre.belloni@free-electrons.com>
rtc-cmos.c 32.3 KB