• François Romieu's avatar
    [netdrvr r8169] Merge of changes done by Realtek to rtl8169_init_one(): · efdc1590
    François Romieu authored
    - phy capability settings allows lower or equal capability as suggested
      in Realtek's changes;
    - I/O voodoo;
    - no need to s/mdio_write/RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG/;
    - s/rtl8169_hw_PHY_config/rtl8169_hw_phy_config/;
    - rtl8169_hw_phy_config(): ad-hoc struct "phy_magic" to limit duplication
      of code (yep, the u16 -> int conversions should work as expected);
    - variable renames and whitepace changes ignored.
r8169.c 36.1 KB