Commit d2b07455 authored by Marek Belisko's avatar Marek Belisko Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: ft1000: Pseudo header handlig improved.

Handling for pseudo header was done by directly copying
data to tx buffer. This hide a functionality and make
code unreadable.

Use approach where fill pseudo_hdr structure first with data and then copy
to beginning of buffer.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMarek Belisko <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 019bd3f8
......@@ -1017,10 +1017,9 @@ static int ft1000_copy_down_pkt (struct net_device *netdev, u8 *packet, u16 len)
struct ft1000_device *pFt1000Dev = pInfo->pFt1000Dev;
int i, count, ret;
USHORT *pTemp;
USHORT checksum;
int count, ret;
u8 *t;
struct pseudo_hdr hdr;
if (!pInfo->CardReady)
......@@ -1044,21 +1043,21 @@ static int ft1000_copy_down_pkt (struct net_device *netdev, u8 *packet, u16 len)
if ( count % 4)
count = count + (4- (count %4) );
pTemp = (PUSHORT)&(pFt1000Dev->tx_buf[0]);
*pTemp ++ = ntohs(count);
*pTemp ++ = 0x1020;
*pTemp ++ = 0x2010;
*pTemp ++ = 0x9100;
*pTemp ++ = 0;
*pTemp ++ = 0;
*pTemp ++ = 0;
pTemp = (PUSHORT)&(pFt1000Dev->tx_buf[0]);
checksum = *pTemp ++;
for (i=1; i<7; i++)
checksum ^= *pTemp ++;
*pTemp++ = checksum;
memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(struct pseudo_hdr));
hdr.length = ntohs(count);
hdr.source = 0x10;
hdr.destination = 0x20;
hdr.portdest = 0x20;
hdr.portsrc = 0x10;
hdr.sh_str_id = 0x91;
hdr.control = 0x00;
hdr.checksum = hdr.length ^ hdr.source ^ hdr.destination ^
hdr.portdest ^ hdr.portsrc ^ hdr.sh_str_id ^
memcpy(&pFt1000Dev->tx_buf[0], &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
memcpy(&(pFt1000Dev->tx_buf[sizeof(struct pseudo_hdr)]), packet, len);
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