Commit 0c0e226e authored by Jean-Marc Ouvrard's avatar Jean-Marc Ouvrard

add documentations

,DESKTOP-N9928NT/jmo,DESKTOP-N9928NT,29.04.2024 11:06,file:///C:/Users/jmo/AppData/Roaming/LibreOffice/4;
\ No newline at end of file
# Created by
# Edit at
### Eagle ###
# Ignore list for Eagle, a PCB layout tool
# Backup files
# Eagle project file
# It contains a serial number and references to the file structure
# on your computer.
# comment the following line if you want to have your project file included.
# Autorouter files
# CAM files
# file locks introduced since 7.x
# End of
# Created by
# Edit at
### KiCad ###
# For PCBs designed using KiCad:
# Format documentation:
# Temporary files
# Netlist files (exported from Eeschema)
# Autorouter files (exported from Pcbnew)
# Exported BOM files
### KiCad Patch ###
# Gerber export output
# End of
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(setup (textsize 1.5 1.5)(linewidth 0.15)(textlinewidth 0.15)
(left_margin 10)(right_margin 10)(top_margin 10)(bottom_margin 10))
(line (name segm1:Line) (start 0 0) (end 0 0))
(version 7)
(lib (name "M.2-Templates")(type "KiCad")(uri "$(KIPRJMOD)/M.2-Templates.pretty")(options "")(descr ""))
(lib (name "M.2-Templates-eagle-import")(type "KiCad")(uri "${KIPRJMOD}/M.2-Templates-eagle-import.kicad_sym")(options "")(descr ""))
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# M.2-Card-Footprints
The footprints were created in Eagle. The KiCad versions are imports, they are looking good to me but you might want to look for quirks if you plan on using them in production.
The only footprint that has been verified with a PCB is the B-Key footprint. Though they all derive from the blank key footprint.
So as long as the correct pads are removed and the key is in the right place you should have no issues with other keys.
For the key position check out the spec sheet linked at the bottom.
You can use the blank key footprint to create any other M.2 key like A or E Key A+E etc.
By default they are 2242 but if you want longer cards you just push the top edge of the outline including the half hole up to the dimension you want. So instead of having it sit at 42mm vertical (y-axis) height you push it to f.e. 80mm if you want 2280. The same principal if you want a 30mm wide card, you extend the left and right edge 4mm further out.
M.2 Keying always uses the same pin names, you just delete some of the pads depending on which key is used and move the notch in that place.
You can find all the information you need about M.2 devices and their pinout in this M.2 Specs. You can find the doc on
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