rpl_replication_delay.test 1.47 KB
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# Testing replication delay reporting (bug#29309)
# there is an unavoidable non-determinism in the test
# please compare the results with the comments 

source include/master-slave.inc;

connection master;
#connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 #
--query_vertical show slave status /* Second_behind reports 0 */;
sleep 3;

### bug emulation

connection master;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (f1 int);
sleep 3;

#connection slave;
flush logs /* contaminate rli->last_master_timestamp */;

connection slave;
lock table t1 write;

connection master;
insert into t1 values (1);

sleep 3;

connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 #
--query_vertical show slave status /* bug emulated: reports slave threads starting time about 3*3 not 3 secs */;
unlock tables;

connection master;

### bugfix

connection slave;
flush logs /* this time rli->last_master_timestamp is not affected */;
lock table t1 write;

connection master;
insert into t1 values (2);
sleep 3;

connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 #
--query_vertical show slave status /* reports the correct diff with master query time about 3+3 secs */;
unlock tables;

connection master;
drop table t1;

#connection slave;

# End of tests