.TH mysql 1 "17 March 2003" "MySQL 3.23" "MySQL database".SH NAMEmysql_setpermission \- Adds MySQL users or changes passwords..SH SYNOPSISmysql_setpermission [options].SH DESCRIPTIONThe permission setter is a little program which can help you add usersor databases or change passwords in MySQL. Keep in mind that we don'tcheck permissions which already been set in MySQL. So if you can'tconnect to MySQL using the permission you just added, take a look atthe permissions which have already been set in MySQL.The permission setter first reads your .my.cnf file in your Homedirectory if it exists.For more information start the program with '--help'..SH "SEE ALSO"mysql (1), mysqld (1).SH AUTHORThis manpage was written by Christian Hammers <ch@debian.org>.MySQL is available at http://www.mysql.com/..\" end of man page