unknown authored
Actually it is not a bug but right behavior observed as pefomance degradation after we have forced Item_field::fix_fields() to re-execute each time when we are executing prep stmt. This patch implements small optimization which heals this bad behavior. We are caching field position in TABLE::field array in Item's member and are using this position for speeding up field lookups in fix_fields() in case of its re-execution. sql/item.cc: Added cached_field_index member to Item_ident for caching field position in TABLE::field array for quicker field lookup in case fix_fields() is executed twice. sql/item.h: Added cached_field_index member to Item_ident for caching field position in TABLE::field array for quicker field lookup in case fix_fields() is executed twice. sql/mysql_priv.h: Now find_field_in_table has one more in-out parameter which is used for caching field index in TABLE::field array stored for quicker field look up. sql/sql_acl.cc: Now find_field_in_table has one more in-out parameter which is used for caching field index in TABLE::field array stored for quicker field look up. sql/sql_base.cc: Optimization: Now when we are looking up Field by its name we are caching its position in TABLE::field array in Item_ident::cached_field_index, so when we will call fix_fields() second time for this item (e.g. when we are re-executing prep statement) we can reuse this index to speed up this lookup. sql/table.cc: Now we storing in TABLE::name_hash pointers to elements of TABLE::field array, because this allows easily retrieve index of field in this array when it is looked up by its name. sql/table.h: Added comment claryfying what we store in TABLE::name_hash. BitKeeper/etc/logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted