• Guangbao Ni's avatar
    Bug #42217 mysql.procs_priv does not get replicated · 15a0b9ee
    Guangbao Ni authored
    mysql.procs_priv table itself does not get replicated.
    Inserting routine privilege record into mysql.procs_priv table
    is triggered by creating function/procedure statements
    according to current user's privileges.
    Because the current user of SQL thread has GLOBAL_ACL,
    which doesn't need any check mysql.procs_priv privilege
    when create/alter/execute routines.
    Corresponding GLOBAL_ACL privilege user
    doesn't insert routine privilege record into
    mysql.procs_priv when creating a routine.
    Fixed by switching the current user of SQL thread to definer user if
    the definer user exists on slave.
    That populates procs_priv, otherwise to keep the SQL thread
    user and procs_priv remains unchanged.
      Test case result for routine privilege when definer user exist or not on slave
      Test case result for routine privilege when definer user exist or not on slave
      Switch current user of SQL thread to definer user if the definer user
      existes on slave when checking whether the routine privilege is
      needed to insert mysql.procs_priv table or not.
rpl_do_grant.result 7.57 KB