• Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
    Preliminary patch for Bug#11848763 / 60025 · 1df8afdc
    Alexander Nozdrin authored
    (SUBSTRING inside a stored function works too slow).
      - THD classes derives from Query_arena, thus inherits the 'state'
        attribute and related operations (is_stmt_prepare() & co).
      - Although these operations are available in THD, they must not
        be used. THD has its own attribute to point to the active
        Query_arena -- stmt_arena.
      - So, instead of using thd->is_stmt_prepare(),
        thd->stmt_arena->is_stmt_prepare() must be used. This was the root
        cause of Bug 60025.
    This patch enforces the proper way of calling those operations.
    is_stmt_prepare() & co are declared as private operations
    in THD (thus, they are hidden from being called on THD instance).
    The patch tries to minimize changes in 5.5.
item_cmpfunc.cc 147 KB