unknown authored
make -j 2 mysys/my_open.c my_umask is better than 0 - we do not want 0000 files when my_open() is called with O_CREAT sql/log.cc fixed up IO_CACHE to make replication work, not fully yet sql/log_event.cc fixed up IO_CACHE BUILD/compile-pentium-debug: make -j 2 BitKeeper/etc/ignore: Added repl-tests/test-repl/sum-wlen-slave.master.reje support-files/mysql-3.23.28-gamma.spec to the ignore list mysys/my_open.c: my_umask is better than 0 - we do not want 0000 files when my_open() is called with O_CREAT sql/log.cc: fixed up IO_CACHE to make replication work, not fully yet sql/log_event.cc: fixed up IO_CACHE