• MySQL Build Team's avatar
    Backport into build-201102032246-5.1.52sp1 · 55ecfc64
    MySQL Build Team authored
    > ------------------------------------------------------------
    > revno: 3527.3.1
    > revision-id: mattias.jonsson@oracle.com-20101222095036-2lpx0gqu4i45jtkz
    > parent: sven.sandberg@oracle.com-20101220090735-psae11j9nwuj8vzl
    > committer: Mattias Jonsson <mattias.jonsson@oracle.com>
    > branch nick: b54483-51-bt_2
    > timestamp: Wed 2010-12-22 10:50:36 +0100
    > message:
    >   Bug#54483: valgrind errors when making warnings for multiline inserts into partition
    >   Bug#57071: EXTRACT(WEEK from date_col) cannot be allowed as partitioning function
    >   There were functions allowed as partitioning functions
    >   that implicit allowed cast. That could result in unacceptable
    >   behaviour.
    >   Solution was to check that the arguments of date and time functions
    >   have allowed types (field and date/datetime/time depending on function).
item.h 104 KB