• Chaithra Reddy's avatar
    Bug#18469276: MOD FOR SMALL DECIMALS FAILS · 57fc0240
    Chaithra Reddy authored
    If leading zeroes of fractional part of a decimal
    number exceeds 45, mod operation on the same fails.
    Currently there is a miscalcultion of fractional
    part for very small decimals in do_div_mod.
    For ex:
    For 0.000(45 times).....3
    length of the integer part becomes -5 (for a length of one,
    buffer can hold 9 digits. Since number of zeroes are 45, integer
    part becomes 5) and it is negative because of the leading
    zeroes present in the fractional part.
    Fractional part is the number of digits present after the
    point which is 46 and therefore rounded off to the nearest 9
    multiple which is 54. So the length of the resulting fractional
    part becomes 6.
    Because of this, the combined length of integer part and fractional
    part exceeds the max length allocated which is 9 and thereby failing.
    In case of negative integer value, it indicates there are
    leading zeroes in fractional part. As a result stop1 pointer 
    should be set not just based on frac0 but also intg0. This is
    because the detination buffer will be filled with 0's for the length
    of intg0.
decimal.c 86.3 KB